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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

2014 - 2015

We are expecting an allocation of £19,600 for the financial year 2014 - 2015.

This represents:

9 FSM (Ever 6) Pupils

4 children who were adopted from care

1 service child

As of April 2014 it had not been confirmed if the children adopted from care would be included in our allocation. However, we committed spend for these four children as from the beginning of the Summer Term 2014. It was confirmed late in July that these children had been included.

How the funding was deployed:

Summer Term 2014

11 hours additional TA support split between Reception and Reception/Year 1 (weekly)

3 hours additional TA support in Year 1 / Year 2 (weekly)

3 hours additional TA support in Year 2 (weekly)

6 1/4 hours additional TA support in Year 3 (weekly)

"Beanstalk" Volunteer Reading Helper in Years 2 and 3 (weekly)

5 1/2 hours additional TA support in Year 4 (weekly)

6 1/2 hours additional TA support in Year 5 (weekly)

In Year 6, we recognise that we receive funding for these children for the full financial year but that they are only at Greenmount for one term. We will therefore deploy all the funding for this cohort during the Summer term:

7 1/4 hours additional TA support (weekly)

27 1/4 hours of teaching support for SATs booster

19 1/2 hours of TA support to deliver "Transition to High School" project

Funding for schools linking project and transitional work with Holy Trinity Primary School, Rochdale

Autumn Term 2014 and Spring Term 2015

Additional TA support:

Reception/Year 1 - 6 hours 40 minutes per week

Year 1 / Year 2 - 2 hours 45 minutes per week

Year 2 - 4 hours per week

Year 3 - 6 hours per week

Year 4 - 7 hours per week

Year 5 - 5 hour 45 minutes per week

Year 6 - 5 hours 40 minutes per week

Progress of children in receipt of Pupil Premium

The governing body review the progress of these children on a termly basis through the Pupils and Curriculum Committee.

At their last review in March 2015, the following was noted:

Out of the 14 children in receipt of Pupil Premium for 2014/15:

3 children moved to High School in September 2014

It has to be noted that from these 3 children, 2 had significant special needs

* Reading - all 3 children achieved a Level 4, all 3 children made at least 2 levels progress, 2 of them made 3 levels progress

* Maths - 1 child achieved Level 3, one Level 4 and one Level 5; 1 child made 1 level of progress, 1 made 2 levels and 1 made 3 levels

* Writing - similar to the cohort, the 3 children made 1 level's progress, none of them aqchieved a Level 4

3 children currently in KS1

All 3 children are making expected (or more) progress and are on track to achieve at least a Level 2b in Reading, Writing and Maths

11 children currently in KS2

8 children are on track to achieve at least a 4b in Reading, Writing and Maths

7 children are currently making expected or better than expected progress in all three areas.
