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a Pathway to Success

Year Three


Know that tone can create contrast in a drawing (difference between light and dark).  

Know that H pencils are hard and will produce light marks – best for technical drawing.  

Know that B pencils are soft and will produce darker tones – best used for tonal drawings and shading.  

Know that directional shading can influence a shape’s 3D appearance.  

Know that cross hatching and hatching can be used to show areas of light and dark.  

Know that close and layered lines show darker areas of an object.  

Know that refining lines, shapes, tonal gradients will help to create a more accurate and realistic outcome.  

Know what a still life is. 

Know how to draw circles and use directional marks to depicts circular objects.  

Use shading, their objects can begin to possess form.  

Know what contrast means and how the blending of tones is smooth without clear intervals of contrast.  

Use cross hatching to show areas of dark and light areas of an object.  

In sketch books sketch objects with different pencil marks to test which is the best for an effect. 

Know how a range of marks and combination of marks create depth and form in drawings: loops, stippling, dabbing.  

In sketch books try the different marks drawing buildings and still life studies. 

Draw still life.

Know what realism means. 

Know how to use pencil and shading to show detail. 

Know that paintbrushes can differ in appearance and purpose.

Flat brush are useful for blending and creating washes.

Rounded brush makes them suitable for small details and delicate lines.

Know that paint can be layered to add texture.

Chooses correct paintbrush grip for purpose. E.g. holding the brush with three -finger grip close to the tip to add detail.

Lines and shapes can be applied with increasing accuracy, showing control. 

Using directional brush strokes, their objects can begin to possess form.

The application of tone shows a clear contrast between dark, mid and light.

Know how to consider composition placing the object/s for a reason.

Know that they can use the grid method of referencing to correctly scale an object.

Know that a horizon line runs horizontally.

Know that paints have different properties and can be more suited for certain projects, for example: - Watercolour = translucent, soft

images. - Acrylic paint = thick and textured. Begin to suggest why certain paints are more  appropriate for a project. E.g. Watercolour for still life as requires less equipment and can be utilised quickly. It also dries quickly.

Mix primary colours confidently to create secondary and tertiary colours (mixing a primary with a secondary).

Using knowledge of shade and tint, know how to mix variations of dark, mid and light of a certain colour by adding the correct ratio of white or black.

Knows that colours can be blended using a gradient.

Know that tone can create contrast in a painting.

Know that sculptors will shape different features and sometimes attach things such as handles, rims.

Know that some pots are made by coiling.

Know how to make a coil pot and compare this method with the thumb pots they made earlier.

Learn how to shape and mould the coils to the right length and thickness to create the effect.

Know the history of coil pots.

Know how to attach things to coil pots such as handles or decorations.

Know how to score a surface when attaching parts of clay.

End pieceBuildings from Rome & Still LifeCloudscapes & Still LifeCoil Pots with handles and relief
ArtistsMarcus Vitruvius PollioJohn Constable Grayson Perry

