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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

Autumn Term


During this topic, following their in-depth study of the UK in Year 3, the children will broaden their understanding of the UK’s place in Europe, followed by Europe’s place in the world.  The children will explore the names and locations of European countries using atlases and globes to focus on their locations using the 8 points of the compass.

They will concentrate on environmental regions and the key physical and human characteristics of a variety of different European countries including major cities, flags and currency.

The children will develop their understanding of physical geography by studying climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts.

In Art and Design, the children will study the work of European architect Eugene Viollet-le-Duc who designed and restored a number of significant medieval landmarks in France.  The children will develop their sculpting skills with clay focusing on his design of gargoyles and grotesques.
