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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

Autumn Term


During this topic, following their study of our locality during Key Stage 1, the children will broaden their understanding of Greenmount’s place within the United Kingdom.  The children will build on their knowledge of the UK and explore the names and locations of the countries which make up the United Kingdom, their geographical regions and counties and learn to distinguish between the United Kingdom and the British Isles. 

The children will concentrate on developing further their mapping skills, using large scale maps and atlases to identify the geographical areas of the UK and their major cities.  They will also begin to develop their understanding of using smaller-scale Ordnance Survey maps to identify through map symbols topological (physical) and human features of different localities, identifying some of these by using 4-figure and 6-figure grid references.

Within the topic, the children will also develop their understanding of rivers and river systems, being able to name the key features of a river and identify from maps the major rivers within the UK.

The children will develop their art skills through studying the British landscape artist John Constable.  In Year 5 they will contrast the landscapes and their changes over time through studying the work of LS Lowry.
