Home Page

Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success



The school newsletter is produced every Friday. It is posted on our website and ClassDojo.  You can also be added to the email mailing list and receive the newsletter electronically each week (simply send a blank email with the subject “newsletter” to


Included in the newsletter are celebrations of children’s achievements together with information of events in the school year. Usually, this is advance warning of an event which you will receive more detail of closer to the time.


Other Letters

In addition to the newsletter you will receive information from individual teachers regarding school visits / activities and information which is relevant to your child or your child’s age group. Letters about PTA events and other activities are also sent home in this way.  Please check children’s bags for letters and encourage them to deliver them home to you.  We post a copy of every letter we send home on our website.


Class Dojo

We also use the Class Story and School Story features of Class Dojo which are like social media posts.  We share photographs of what's going on in school or information about how you can help your child at home.  


Text Messaging Service

Important messages are also sent home via text message - please let us know if you change your mobile phone number.



Our website has a vast array of information about the school including copies of the statutory policies.  


Sending information into school

If you need to send letters into school we have a system of class boxes which are available first thing in the morning in classrooms for collection of items destined for the teacher or school office. Please use this system of communication rather than leaving things in the school office. There is also a box in GOOSE which can be used to send items through to school.


Getting messages to school

If you need to send a message into school re a sick child / lost property etc we do have the school answer phone. Staff will collect messages at frequent intervals through the day.

The school office is staffed from 8.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. when you can speak to a member of the office staff. At any other time you are welcome to leave a message on the school answer phone and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.


You are welcome to email us at 


Please note that we do not use the instant messaging feature of Class Dojo.
