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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

Year Three


How can we be a good friend?

R10, R11, R13, R14, R17, R18

  • how friendships support wellbeing and the importance of seeking support if feeling lonely or excluded
  • how to recognise if others are feeling lonely and excluded and strategies to include them
  • how to build good friendships, including identifying qualities that contribute to positive friendships


What keeps us safe?

H9, H10, H26, H39, H30, H40, H42, H43, H44, R25, R26, R28, R29

  • how to recognise hazards that may cause harm or injury and what they should do to reduce risk and keep themselves (or others) safe
  • how to help keep their body protected and safe, e.g. wearing a seatbelt, protective clothing and stabilizers
  • that their body belongs to them and should not be hurt or touched without their permission; what to do and who to tell if they feel uncomfortable
  • how to recognise and respond to pressure to do something that makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable (including online)
  • how everyday health and hygiene rules and routines help people stay safe and healthy (including how to manage the use of medicines, such as for allergies and asthma, and other household products, responsibly)
  • how to react and respond if there is an accident and how to deal with minor injuries e.g. scratches, grazes, burns
  • what to do in an emergency, including calling for help and speaking to the emergency services


What are families like?

R5, R6, R7, R8, R9

  • how families differ from each other (including that not every family has the same family structure, e.g. single parents, same sex parents, step-parents, blended families, foster and adoptive parents)
  • how common features of positive family life often include shared experiences, e.g. celebrations, special days or holidays
  • how people within families should care for each other and the different ways they demonstrate this
  • how to ask for help or advice if family relationships are making them feel unhappy, worried or unsafe


What makes a community?

R32, R33, L6, L7, L8

  • how they belong to different groups and communities, e.g. friendship, faith, clubs, classes/year groups
  • what is meant by a diverse community; how different groups make up the wider/local community around the school
  • how the community helps everyone to feel included and values the different contributions that people make
  • how to be respectful towards people who may live differently to them


Why should we eat well and look after our teeth?

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H11, H14

  • how to eat a healthy diet and the benefits of nutritionally rich foods
  • how to maintain good oral hygiene (including regular brushing and flossing) and the importance of regular visits to the dentist
  • how not eating a balanced diet can affect health, including the impact of too much sugar/acidic drinks on dental health
  • how people make choices about what to eat and drink, including who or what influences these
  • how, when and where to ask for advice and help about healthy eating and dental care 


Why should we keep active and sleep well?

H1, H2, H3, H4, H7, H8, H13, H14

  • how regular physical activity benefits bodies and feelings
  • how to be active on a daily and weekly basis - how to balance time online with other activities
  • how to make choices about physical activity, including what and who influences decisions
  • how the lack of physical activity can affect health and wellbeing
  • how lack of sleep can affect the body and mood and simple routines that support good quality sleep
  • how to seek support in relation to physical activity, sleep and rest and who to talk to if they are worried



