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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success


Year One

  • that simple levers and sliding mechanisms can be used to create movement
  • that levers are used in products eg scissors, balances and moving books
  • to use drawings to represent products
  • that construction kits can be used to try out ideas
  • to make simple sliding and lever mechanisms
  • how to use tools eg scissors and a hole punch safely
  • to suggest ideas and explain what they are going to do
  • to model their ideas in card and paper
  • to make their design using appropriate techniques
  • to evaluate their product by discussing how well it works in relation to the purpose

Year Two

  • that a winding mechanism has an axle that turns and a handle
  • to observe carefully what happens when such a mechanism works
  • to make simple drawings to show how the mechanism works
  • techniques for making winding mechanisms
  • to use tools accurately and safely
  • to investigate and evaluate ways of making characters for the toy
  • to identify criteria for their design
  • to select tools and materials and use correct vocabulary to name and describe them
  • to assemble, join and combine materials to make a winding mechanism
  • to understand the need for a stable structure to support a mechanism
  • to evaluate against design criteria

Year Three

  • how air pressure can be used to produce and control movement  

  • techniques for making simple pneumatic systems  

  • to compare the effectiveness of different systems  

  • to use appropriate vocabulary to describe how things work

  • how to assemble simple pneumatic systems  

  • ways of fixing components  

  • ways of using pneumatic systems in conjunction with simple levers to control movement  

  • to explore ideas through 3D modelling

  • to work as a team  

  • to choose an idea according to logistical constraints of materials, time, size  

  • to think about their ideas as they make progress and be willing to change things if this helps them to improve their work  

  • to plan through discussion  

  • to work safely and accurately with a range of simple hand tools  

  • to use a storyboard to record the sequence of their work  

  • to evaluate as a team the product and purpose of improvements

Year Four

  • to investigate and evaluate products with lever and linkages systems, in order to learn how they function  

  • to relate the way things work to their intended purpose  

  • to use appropriate technical vocabulary to describe materials and mechanisms  

  • to measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of materials, using appropriate tools, equipment and techniques  

  • to join and combine materials and components accurately in temporary and permanent ways  

  • how simple mechanisms can be used to produce different types of movement  

  • how to use simple graphical communication techniques

  • to explore, develop and communicate aspects of their design proposals by modelling their ideas in a variety of ways  

  • to develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making, if the first attempts fail  

  • to evaluate their design ideas as these develop, indicating ways of improving their ideas and to evaluate the book against the original design criteria  

Year Five

  • to recognise the movement of a mechanism within a toy or model  

  • to understand that a cam will change rotary motion into linear motion  

  • to understand that different shaped cams produce different movements  

  • about the relationship between a cam and a follower

  • to measure and mark out accurately  

  • to use tools for cutting safely and effectively  

  • to use a drill to make an off-centre hole in a wheel  

  • to consider the characteristics of the cam mechanism when designing the moving part of their toy  

  • to test out their design ideas before proceeding  

  • to cut and join with accuracy to ensure a good-quality finish to the product  

  • to test the mechanisms and make adjustments where necessary  

  • how to evaluate it personally and seek evaluation from others



There is no specific mechanisms work in Year 6
