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The Keep Learning Trust

Year Five


  • to investigate, disassemble and evaluate a range of musical instruments in order to learn how they function  

  • to relate the way things work to their intended purpose, how materials and components have been used, people’s needs, and what users say about them

  • how the working characteristics of materials relate to the ways materials are used  

  • how materials can be combined and mixed in order to create more useful properties  

  • to join and combine materials and components accurately in temporary ways  

  • to investigate a range of materials 

  • to identify a purpose for their instrument  

  • to use information sources, including ICT,  to help in their designing  

  • to develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making if the first attempts fail  

  • to select appropriate materials, tools and techniques  

  • to evaluate their design ideas as these develop, bearing in mind the users and the purposes for which the product is intended, and indicating ways of improving their ideas  



  • to recognise the movement of a mechanism within a toy or model  

  • to understand that a cam will change rotary motion into linear motion  

  • to understand that different shaped cams produce different movements  

  • about the relationship between a cam and a follower

  • to measure and mark out accurately  

  • to use tools for cutting safely and effectively  

  • to use a drill to make an off-centre hole in a wheel  

  • to consider the characteristics of the cam mechanism when designing the moving part of their toy  

  • to test out their design ideas before proceeding  

  • to cut and join with accuracy to ensure a good-quality finish to the product  

  • to test the mechanisms and make adjustments where necessary  

  • how to evaluate it personally and seek evaluation from others


Electrical / Control

  • that there are a variety of products which incorporate a pulley and a drive belt and are driven by a motor or a computer  

  • how control systems are used in everyday life  

  • the appropriate vocabulary related to control systems  

  • that they can model their ideas for their own product using mechanisms, by using construction kits or making a model from a set of instructions  

  • how to include an electric motor in a simple circuit  

  • how the direction of rotation and speed of an electric motor can be controlled  

  • how rotation can be transferred from one part of a model to another by using pulleys and a belt  

  • how a belt and pulley system can reverse the direction of rotation (by twisting the belt through 180 degrees)  

  • how a belt and pulley system can turn the plane of rotation through 90 degrees (by twisting the belt through 90 degrees)  

  • how a belt and pulley system can increase or decrease the speed of rotation (by using different size pulleys)  

  • to make decisions with regard to the type of ride they will make  

  • to model their intended fairground ride  

  • to make modifications as they go along  

  • to evaluate against their original criteria and suggest ways that their ride could be improved  

Cooking and Nutrition
