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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success



Print with a range of hard and soft materials e.g. corks, pens, cotton reels, sponges

Take rubbings of natural and man-made objects.

Year Four


Artists: Hiberno-Saxon style (Lindisfarne Gospels)

Explore lines, marks, shapes and tones through monoprinting (using polystyrene tiles) Print with two colour overlays

Create repeating patterns

Design a complex pattern made up from two or more motifs and print a tiled version

Year Six


Designers: Pablo Picasso 

Elizabeth Calett

Create designs for prints by simplifying initial drawings/sketches

Extend printing method using lino

Through printing, show increasing use of tools to control line, shape, texture and tone

Colour mix through printing, create prints with three colour overlays

Use printing techniques as part of a multi-media project 

