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Year 1

Some nouns are masculine, some are feminine 

Some nouns are singular, some are plural

Year 2

Recap on nouns

C'est - it is

Il y a - there is / there are

Definite articles - le, la, les (masculine, feminine, plural)

J'aime (I like) and Je n'aime pas (I don't like)

The conjunction et (and)

Year 3

Agreement of noun and adjective (for gender)

Introduction of other personal pronouns - Je (I), Il (he), Elle (she)

Agreement of de and definite articles - du, de la and des

Agreement of noun and adjective (for plural)

Year 4

Notice how the negative is formed

The conjunction parce-que (because)

Agreement of à and the definite articles - au, à la or à l', aux

Year 5

Using Le to say on which day something occurs

Agreement of nationality and speaker

Introduction of additional conjunctions: donc (so), mais (but) et aussi (also)

Present tense of the verb faire using all subjects/personal pronouns

Begin to understand the difference between tu and vous; ils and elles

Understand when to use present and past tense

Past tense of il fait - il faisait

Year 6

Correct use of prepositions to create time adverbials:

En plus the year

Le plus day of the week

En plus month of year or season 

Il y a plus time (it is)

A plus time (at)


Subject - verb - object : sentence construction 

Change verb ending depending on subject 


Correct use of prepositions to create adverbials of place:

En plus feminine country

Au plus masculine country

Aux plus plural country

A plus name of city/village etc

A or Au for compass points


Present and past (perfect) tenses of manger (to eat) and boire (to drink)

