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The Keep Learning Trust
Autumn Term - A l'école (at school)
Phonics (for reading) is introduced in Year 4. This was a new element of the curriculum in 2023-2024, therefore all year groups (4, 5 and 6) are revisiting from the same starting points.
Phonics | Alphabet - focus on consonants c, g, j, q a and an sounds | |
Vocabulary | Revision of numbers Read numbers 1 - 1000 (written in words) Revision of days of the week School subjects Expressing likes/dislikes - revision of j'aime, je n'aime pas, j'adore, je déteste Mon sujet préféré est (my favourite subject is) Time - 5 minute intervals Commence à (starts at) | |
Grammar | Revision of extending sentences using the conjunction parce-que (because) Using le to say which day of the week something occurs on e.g. Le lundi je fais les maths (On Monday I have maths) | |
Cultural Understanding | Life in French schools | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise days of the week Recognise school subjects Recognise what time a lesson starts |
Speaking: | Say which subjects we have on which days on the week Say what time a lesson begins | |
Reading: | Read numbers 1-1000 written in words Read the days of the week Read some school subjects | |
Writing: | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying which school subjects like/dislike Write a simple sentence to say at what time a lesson starts and who teaches it |
Spring Term - First Half - Les Nationalités (nationalities)
Phonics | e, é and è sounds | |
Vocabulary | Names of countries, nationalities and languages J'habite au / en / aux (I live in) Je suis britanique / anglais / anglaise (I am British / English) Je parle l'anglais / le français (I speak English / French) | |
Grammar | Agreement of nationality and speaker Introduction of additional conjunctions: donc (so), mais (but), et aussi (also) | |
Cultural Understanding | Where is French spoken across the world ? | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise which country someone lives in Recognise their nationality Recognise which language they speak |
Speaking: | Say where they live, what nationality they are and what language they speak Begin to use conjunctions donc (so), mais (but), et aussi (also) e.g. J'habite aux Etats Unis, mais je suis français. Je parle l'anglais et aussi le français (I live in the USA but I'm French. I speak English and also French. | |
Reading: | Read the name of some countries, nationalities and languages | |
Writing: | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying where they live, what nationality they are and what languages they speak. |
Spring Term - Second Half - Le cirque (the circus)
Phonics | i,. ien and in sounds | |
Vocabulary | Name of common circus activities
| |
Grammar | Present tense of the verb faire (to do) with all personal pronouns: Je fais (I do) Tu fais (you do) Il fait (he does) Elle fait (she does) On fait (one does) Nous faisons (we do) Vous faites (you do) Ils font (they do) Elles font (they do)
Begin to understand the difference between tu and vous (singluar and plural) and ils and elles (ils - masculine goup; elles - feminine or mixed group) | |
Cultural Understanding | None covered in this unit | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise the names of some circus activities Recognise who is doing the activity |
Speaking: | Say who is doing a particular circus activity using the correct form of the verb faire | |
Reading: | Read the names of some circus activities Read the personal pronouns Begin to read the different forms of the verb faire | |
Writing: | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying the activities different people do at the circus, using the correct form of the verb faire |
Summer Term - La météo
Phonics | o, open o, oi and ou sounds u, un and y sounds | |
Vocabulary | Revisit and extend weather expressions Use past tense for those which use il fait e.g. il fait du soleil (it is sunny) becomes il faisait du soleil (it was sunny) Revisit eight compass points | |
Grammar | Understand when to use present and past tense | |
Cultural Understanding | Revisit the names of prominent French cities Watch a few examples of weather forecasts (La météo) from French TV as a stimulus for writing / filming own forecasts Research famous French historical figures (whilst filming of weather forecasts is taking place) | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise a variety of weather expressions Recognise where / when that weather was |
Speaking: | Say what the weather is like in places by using the names of French cities or compass points e.g. au nord (in the north), au sud-est (in the south-east) Begin to use the past tense with some weather expressions e.g. le mardi il faisait du vent (On Tuesday it was windy) | |
Reading: | Read a variety of weather expressions Read days of the week Read il fait and il faisait | |
Writing: | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what the weather is / was like in a particular place - build into a script for filming a weather forecast |
Every lesson contains revision of previous learning