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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

Events in School

During the year there are many events going on. They are very nearly all advertised well in advance in the school newsletter and through an annual “Diary Dates” leaflet which is distributed in September (link at the bottom of the page).

Events include the following but of course they may vary year to year:


  • Workshops for Reception parents in Reading, Writing and Numeracy (September / October)
  • Harvest Festival (early October)
  • Parents Target Setting Interviews (October)
  • PTA Christmas Fair
  • Christmas Performances (December) for Infants 
  • Christmas Musical Afternoon
  • Pupil Progress Parent Interviews (February)
  • Y3/4 Performance
  • Greenmount’s Got Talent
  • PTA Summer Fair
  • Y5/6 Performance
  • Sports Days (infants and juniors)


We are always seeking to increase the variety and number of events.  Suggestions can be made to your class PTA rep or to Mr Griffith.
