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SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

Leaders are ambitious for pupils to achieve success in their learning.  Staff have high expectations for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. 

Ofsted, October 2019

What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ?

Our school's Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs C Balmer.

Telephone: 01204 884031      Email:


Our governor with responsibility for SEN is Mrs L Mackenzie


Our Governing Body works alongside a wide variety of agencies to support our families.  Details of the services available from Bury Council (and their contact details) can be found in their "Local Offer" which can be accessed via the link below:


Click to download the following documents directly from the DfE:

2015 Code of Practice for SEND

2014 SEND A Guide for Parents and Carers

The latest SEND update form the Local Authority

SEN Information Report

updated 01/11/2024

Links to SEND policy and Accessibility Plan

What kinds of SEND are provided for ? 

Greenmount Primary School organises provision that is additional to or different from the curriculum available to all children for a range of special educational needs, including:

* Communication and interaction, for example, Social Communication Difficulties, autistic spectrum conditions, speech and language difficulties

* Cognition and learning, for example, dyslexia, dyspraxia, processing difficulties

* Social, emotional and mental health difficulties, for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), trauma, separation anxiety

*Sensory and/or physical needs, for example, visual impairments, hearing impairments, epilepsy 

* Children may have a combination of difficulties.

* Children do not require a medical diagnosis to be considered as having a special educational need.

* Children who do have a medical diagnosis do not necessarily have a special educational need; this would be determined by a child’s educational attainment and progress.

What policies are there for identifying children with SEND?

SEND policy

Also see the section below entitled "How does our school know if a child needs extra help ?".

My child has SEND, how can I apply for a place at Greenmount Primary School ? 

We encourage all parents to visit our school before applying for a place at Greenmount. 

If your child has SEND we encourage you to let us know when you initially contact us so that we can ensure that the Head Teacher or SENCO are available to talk to you when you visit. 

Applications are made in the same way as for any child.  Click here for our admissions section.

Whenever any child joins Greenmount, we recommend a transition period.  This is particularly important for children with SEND.  We will be happy to discuss this with you and tailor it to best meet the needs of each individual child.  

What steps have we taken to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils ?

Training and awareness raising for all staff on a wide range of SEND.

Awareness raising amongst pupils on an increasing range of SEND e.g. autism, ADHD, dyslexia 

A commitment to personalise learning approaches, on a case by case basis, for all pupils to SEND to ensure they have the same access to the curriculum and extra-curricular activities as other pupils.

Also see the school's Accessibility Plan.

How does our school know if a child needs extra help ?

We have introduced the "Notice, Check and Try" process to identify the needs of children with SEND.



*we measure children's progress through a variety of informal and formal assessments; we measure their attainment against their previous learning and national expectations

* we track the progress of all pupils closely and regularly so we can quickly identify pupils who may benefit from extra support

* class teachers meet regularly with the senior leadership team to discuss pupil progress and with the SENCO to identify support and intervention for pupils

* outside agencies often provide us with information about children who will need extra help

* pupils themselves can ask for extra support and help

* parents are encouraged to bring concerns or information about their child to their child's class teacher

* if parents believe their child may have special educational needs, they should initially speak to their child's class teacher who may involve the SENCO as appropriate



At this stage, staff will conduct any further assessments or observations to help clearly identify a child's needs and barriers to learning. 

These may be undertaken by the class teacher, SENCO or an outside agency. 



Staff will identify strategies or provision to meet the child's needs (see next section). 


What is the school's approach to teaching children with special educational needs ?

Once children have been identified with a special educational need, or there are concerns over a child's progress, we use a range of strategies to meet those needs:

* adaptations in the classroom e.g. to meet sensory needs 

* specific provision to meet needs e.g. sensory circuits, decompression

*support from a teaching assistant during lessons to enable a child to access the learning of a particular lesson

* small group teaching with a teacher or teaching assistant

* individual teaching with a teacher or teaching assistant

* individual teaching with a specialist teacher

* directed individual work using specific computer programmes


The class teacher oversees the setting up, delivery and monitoring of each child's individual programme, often supported by the SENCO.

The nature of the programme will vary from child to child and parents will work with the class teacher to devise a plan to meet the needs of their child. The class teacher is always the first port of call for any additional information, although parents are welcome to contact the SENCO.

Some children may need additional support throughout their time at Greenmount; other pupils may only need it for a short period of time.

For a very small number of pupils, we may request that an application for Statutory Assessment be made to the Local Authority for an Education, Health and Care Plan. This will be discussed through consultation between parents and the SENCO.  Please see EHCP section below. 

The governors have the general oversight of the provision for SEND within the school and have the duty to ensure that resources are allocated to meet the needs of the children. The governors have appointed a link governor for SEND (Mrs L Mackenzie). She meets with our SENCO  on a regular basis to monitor the impact of our SEND provision.
How will the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with special educational needs ?

High quality classroom teaching is the key to learning in school. Through on-going assessment, teachers build up a picture of children's needs. Class teachers have the responsibility to ensure the teaching they deliver to their class is matched to the abilities of all pupils in the class.

In some lessons, pupils are grouped with others that are working on similar targets.

Additional adult support may be used in a variety of ways: small groups, one to one support within the classroom or in a quieter space, or to release teachers to work with small groups or individuals.

For some children with special educational needs (e.g. children with dyslexia) additional physical resources are provided to help them access the curriculum (e.g. coloured overlays, different coloured papers). Our classrooms are becoming more dyslexia friendly.

We have a sensory room which children can use for sensory activities or when they need to regulate.  All classrooms have sensory trolleys to support pupils with sensory needs.  There are also two well-being stations around school where children can access sensory or other well-being activities to help them regulate. 

How is expertise secured for teaching staff and others working with children with special educational needs ?

All staff are trained in teaching pupils with special educational needs through whole staff training sessions. Individual staff members have also undertaken additional specialist training in a range of areas, including dyslexia and communication difficulties.

Expertise is shared amongst staff - we work as a team to support all of our children.

Staff attend local and national conferences and network meetings to ensure we are aware of current initiatives.

During 2024-2025, we are working close with the Bury SEND team to further improve our provision. 

Our SENCO holds the National Award for SEN Co-ordination.

We work closely with Bury's Education, Health and Care (EHC) Team, Outreach Team and SEND Support Service. We have developed strong working relationships.

Where appropriate we work with health and social care to support children's individual needs e.g. CAMHS, Speech Therapy, Occupational Health
What additional learning support will be available to children with special educational needs ?

This will depend on each individual child and their needs.

Parents are involved closely in determining the type of support that will be given to children with special educational needs.

The class teacher, parents and SENCO will discuss the types of support that can be offered to each individual child. This will be reviewed on a termly basis or more regularly if required.

All special educational provision will have a time scale and expected goals. Progress towards these goals will be assessed toward the end of the specified time period and will inform the discussion at the next review meeting.

As appropriate, we will involve other agencies in the assessment and review process. This will predominantly be the Local Authority's Outreach Team.

Education, Heath and Care Plans (EHCPs) 

The majority of children with SEND can have their needs met within school without the need for an EHCP.

When we have taken every possible action available to identify, assess and meet the child's needs but they are still not making expected progress, it may be appropriate to consider requesting an EHC assessment through Bury Council. 

Parents are entitled to make an EHCP request independently of the school.  However, if parents are considering this, we encourage them to speak to the SENCO asap. 


Bury Council information about EHCPs.


The first decision that Bury Council make is whether or not to assess the child.  If the evidence shows that the school is meeting the child's needs then it is unlikely that there will be an assessment. 

If however the council feels that further support may be needed then an assessment process will take place which will include an assessment by an Educational Psychologist. 


If an application is successful and an EHCP is granted then this will be allocated a particular band of funding (band 1 to band 5).  This is in addition to the funding that the school contributes for every child with an EHCP. The combined funding is to ensure the individual child's needs are met, where appropriate and possible within their own class.  An EHCP does not necessarily equate to individual support for the child.  Provision is agreed between the school and parents once the EHCP has been granted.  


Research has shown that 1-1 support is not always the most effective way to provide the right intervention for children with SEND. This resource is useful for further information. 

EEF resource

How will the emotional and social development of children with special educational needs be supported and improved ?

All staff at Greenmount have a responsibility for the emotional and social development of all children. A child's class teacher has the prime responsibility, supported by members of the senior leadership team.

When required, individual health care plans are produced to meet needs. The school has a comprehensive administration of medicines policy (a copy can be found on our website).

We have a Pastoral Support Team (known as PS3) who will support children who have a worry or need someone to talk to.  Children can refer themselves to a member of the team.  Parents and staff can also make referrals. 

We work closely with the Bury (North) Locality Area where schools work together to develop inclusive provision for children with SEMH needs.

We encourage and expect good attendance and punctuality. This is monitored on a weekly basis and support offered to parents where improvement is needed. We also draw on support from Bury's School Attendance Team.

We promote and reward positive behaviours. Link to school's behaviour policy. Individual behaviour plans may be implemented if necessary. Friendship groups or social skills sessions may be included in the provision for an individual child if appropriate.

We have appropriate Safeguarding procedures in place - our relevant policies are available on our website. Our designated teacher for safeguarding is Mr Griffith.

Child Protection Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Pupils contribute their views on their learning and their attitudes towards school as part of their regular reviews.
How will the progress of children with special educational needs be assessed and reviewed ?

Class teachers and the senior leadership team measure the progress of all children in school. In addition, for children with special educational needs, the SENCO tracks their progress carefully. We track their progress against national expectations, since previous assessments and the outcomes of interventions that have been delivered.

Parents will be informed what the expected outcomes of any intervention programme could be; progress towards these outcomes will be shared at the termly review meetings.  
How will those children and their parents/carers take part in any assessment or review ?

There will be a termly review for each child identified with special educational needs. This will normally be between the parents and class teacher, although the SENCO may also be involved. This is in addition to the regular parents' evening appointments, although the parents' evening and SEN review may be amalgamated for practicality.

At this review meeting, staff and parents will discuss the progress towards targets set at the previous review meeting. Staff and parents will cocreate new targets and provision agreed.

How will the effectiveness of the school's special educational provision be assessed and evaluated ?

How will children and their parents/carers take part in any assessment or review ?

Effective provision should improve children's progress; this is therefore the first measure we will use to assess the effectiveness of our provision for children with special educational needs.

Parents, children and staff will also evaluate the effectiveness of provision as part of the termly review meetings.  Meetings are child-centred and focus on how well provision is meeting their needs in their opinion and in the opinion of parents and staff.  

Our SENCO monitors the impact of interventions as part of their role. 

An annual analysis is undertaken once we have the results of annual assessments (both statutory and non-statutory).

We will also evaluate our provision by means of an annual questionnaire which we will distribute to parents in the summer term.
How can children with special educational needs access the school's facilities ?

The school is built on one level. There is ramped access to both the main school and our before/after school care club.

Accessible toilets are available in both buildings. There is also a shower facility in the main school building.

As building work is undertaken in school, the needs of all are taken into account e.g. a recent classroom extension included provision of ramped access.

See the Accessibility Plan for more detailed information.

What activities are available for children with special educational needs in addition to the curriculum ?

All activities are accessible and available for all pupils. This includes extra-curricular activities and educational visits. If necessary, additional adults are arranged to support a pupil with special needs or a disability. Comprehensive risk assessments are carried out by the visit leaders, approved by our Educational Visits Co-ordinator and Head Teacher and shared with all adults accompanying the trip. Parents would be involved in the planning of Educational Visits as necessary.


Our school operates before and after school care (known as GOOSE).  Children with SEND are welcome to access this provision.  Reasonable adjustments will be put into place for individual children and parents are advised to discuss this with the GOOSE manager who will liaise with the SENCO or Head Teacher to ensure needs can be met.  


Transition to and from school can be a difficult time for all children, particularly for those with special educational needs or a disability.

Joining Reception

Parents of all children joining the Reception class are invited to a "New Parents' Meeting" in May. Additional meetings with the SENCO will also be arranged as necessary.

Each child is visited in their pre-school setting by one of our Reception teachers or teaching assistants. Where there is a child with special educational needs or a disability, the school's SENCO will visit the child in their pre-school setting and meet the the setting's SENCO.

All children entering Reception are able to visit the school for five afternoons in June/July. Additional sessions can always be arranged.

There is a staggered start for all Reception children - this can be adapted for children with special educational needs or a disability.

Joining in Other Years

Before any child starts at Greenmount, we recommend a "taster" session to meet their new teacher and class mates. For a child with special educational needs or a disability, additional sessions would be offered. Our SENCO would also liaise with the SENCO from the previous school or setting to ensure we have all the necessary information.

Moving to High School

Once a high school place has been allocated, our transition programme begins. Our SENCO will liaise with the high school's SENCO to plan a series of sessions both at our school and the high school. This is in addition to the comprehensive transition programme that we operate for all our year 6 pupils. At the end of the summer term, all relevant records and files are taken to the SENCO at the receiving high school.
Who can parents contact for further information ?

For current parents, the first point of contact is always your child's class teacher.

Our school's SENCO is Mrs C Balmer.

Parents are welcome to make an appointment to speak with the SENCO or the Head Teacher (appointments can be made via the school office).

Prospective parents should telephone the school office to make an appointment to view the school and meet with the Head Teacher and /or SENCO. 
Handling parental complaints

Through regular meetings, we hope we can work with parents to ensure the best possible provision for individual children.

In the first instance, concerns should be raised with the SENCO (Mrs C Balmer).

If parents are not satisfied with the result, they should contact the Head Teacher (Mr D W Griffith).

School Complaints' Policy

Who can I contact?

If you have any concerns or queries please contact:

Mrs C Balmer (SENCO)


Mr D W Griffith (Head Teacher)

01204 884031


