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The Keep Learning Trust


Year 3Autumn

Read numbers 1 to 10 written in words

Read the names of clothing and colours 


Read numbers 1 to 20 written in words

Read the names of some buildings found in a town/city


Read numbers 1 - 30 written in words

Read the names of some rooms of the house 


Year 4Autumn

Read numbers 1 to 60 written in words

Read the names of some foods, drinks and animals 


Read numbers 1 to 80 written in words

Read the names of some pastimes


Read numbers 1 to 100 written in words

Read the names of some food/drinks


Year 5Autumn

Read numbers 1-1000 written in words

Read the days of the week

Read some school subjects 


Read the name of some countries, nationalities and languages

Read the names of some circus activities 

Read the personal pronouns

Begin to read the different forms of the verb faire


Read a variety of weather expressions

Read days of the week 

Read il fait and il faisait


Year 6Autumn

Read numbers up to 10,000 written in words; translate into English

Read when something happens: time, day, month, year

Sentences with time adverbial, subject and verb (and sometimes object)


Sentences with the season, the weather and sometimes the place. 

Reading basic information leaflets about Paris attractions to find basic facts. 


Read basic sentences about when food/drink was eaten/drank, read with accuracy, using phonic knowledge for unknown words. 

From written descriptions of activities on 14th July celebrations, can the children pick out vocabulary they know (verbs and nouns) to establish understanding of the sentence ?
