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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

2013 - 2014

During the financial year 2013 - 2014, Greenmount Primary School was allocated £10,800 through Pupil Premium funding.

This represented 12 children:

4 children were in Y6 for the summer term 2013; all reached the expected standard and made at least expected progress across all subjects.

2 children left the school during the Autumn term 2013.

We have analysed the progress of the remaining 6 children over the academic year 2013 - 2014.

5/6 children are on track to achieve 4b or above in all subjects by the time they reach Year 6.

Over 2013 - 2014

5/6 children made 2 sub-levels progress in Reading

5/6 children made 2 sub-levels progress in Writing

4/6 children made 2 sub-levels progress in Maths

Where children haven't made 2 sub-levels progress, this will be the focus of their support during the next academic year.
