Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
We are expecting an allocation of £8199 for the financial year 2017 - 2018.
Our intentions for spend are:
£2730 to continue to provide structured sports activities at lunchtimes
£1710 to continue to provide extra-curricular sports activities to ensure that every infant child can take part in at least one half-term's club over the course of the year
£461 to provide activities during our annual Healthy Week (£72 for our Year 3 class to visit Holcombe Brook Tennis Club; £389 for years 2 - 5 to take part in "The Sugar Show" [an activity to help them understand the effects of our sugar intake])
£1113 to provide a multi-use goal area for our junior playground to increase participation at break and lunch times. This is half of the cost of the area. Our before/after school club are providing matched funding.
£2185 to contribute to the school's participation in the Commando Joe's scheme. The contribution from the Sports Premium will fund:
* Afternoon sessions for each year group from Y1 to Y6 of "Outdoor and Adventurous" activities over the course of the year (from September 2017). Class teachers will work alongside Commando Joe to deliver the sessions thus building their skills in this under-exploited part of the P.E. curriculum. We hope that these activities will benefit those children who more reluctant in the more traditional sporting activities.
* After-school club - to enable us to offer something more attractive for those children who are reluctant to take part in our usual activities
* Lunchtime - "Junior Joes" - training for our young people to become sports leaders to provide activities for the younger children in our school
NB after our initial plans had been formulated, we were informed that the allocation for 2017 - 2018 would be doubled.
Full details of how the funding was allocated is included in the page "The impact of our funding"