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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

2021 - 2022

For review, please see the 2022-2023 page

School Overview

Pupils in school242
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils 3.3%
Disadvantaged pupils

Year 1 - 1

Year 2 -1

Year 3 - 1

Year 4 - 1

Year 5 - 3

Year 6 - 1

Pupil premium allocation this academic year£16,795
Academic year(s) covered by this statement2021 - 2022
Publish dateV1, 28th July 2021
Review date

30th September 2021

31st July 2022

Statement authorised byDavid Griffith
Pupil Premium leadDavid Griffith
Governor lead

Brent Pinder

Graham Scott


Disadvantaged pupil progress scores for last academic year (2020 - 2021)

ReadingNot published (all children made expected progress)
WritingNot published (all children made expected progress)
MathsNot published (all children made expected progress)


Disadvantaged pupil performance overview for last academic year (2020-2021)

Meeting expected standard at KS267% (2 out of 3)
Achieving high standard at KS20%


Strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils (2021-2022)

Priority 1

to improve attainment and progress in Mathematics by further embedding the mastery approach to teaching 

to provide additional teaching support to enable us to teach Year 1 and Year 2 separately for maths (previously taught as mixed-aged classes)

Priority 2to improve attainment and progress in Writing by changing our approach to teaching, working through quality texts 
Barriers to learning these priorities address

1. children not feeling secure in their grasp of a set of maths skills before they move on to a new topic

2. children not feeling they are writers and not writing naturally 

Projected spending

Partial cost of additional teaching support cost £3000

Cost of additional practical equipment for mathematics £3000 (funded by PTA)

Cost of training for staff (writing) £1000 (paid from Recovery Premium) 


Teaching priorities for current academic year (2021-2022)

AimTargetTarget date
Progress in Reading (1 child)More than expectedJuly 2022
Progress in Writing (1 child)ExpectedJune 2022
Progress in Mathematics (1 child)ExpectedJuly 2022
Phonics (1 child)PassJune 2022


Targeted academic support for current academic year (2021-2022)

Priority 1Provide small group maths interventions following on from end of unit assessments to ensure children have mastered learning from that unit and are ready to progress
Priority 2Provide Learning by Questions software to junior classes to increase personalised learning in lessons and for homework 
Barriers to learning these priorities address

1. children not feeling secure in their grasp of a set of maths skills before they move on to a new topic

2. children needing further consolidation or extension in their learning 

Projected spending 

Partial cost of TAs for interventions £8,593 (equivalent to 13 hours per week across school)

Learning by Questions £1,000


Wider strategies for current academic year (2021-2022)

Priority 1Embed the work of the pastoral team (PS3) to improve children's mental health and readiness for learning 
Priority 2Introduce CPOMS for recording and analysing safeguarding / behaviour issues to improve children's mental health and readiness for learning 
Barriers to learning these priorities addressChildren not "ready to learn" due to worries or concerns they have (mental health)
Projected spending 

Partial cost of PS3 team £3,519

CPOMS £683


Monitoring and Implementation

AreaChallengeMitigating action(s)
TeachingEnsuring enough support is given to staff to develop the new approaches 

INSET days and staff meetings allocated

1:1 support given by Maths and English subject leaders 

Targeted supportEnsuring time for interventions is prioritised and protected 

Protect time by changing timetable so that regular intervention slots are timetabled.

Monitoring and evaluation of all interventions (time allocated for this within staff meetings) 

Wider strategiesEnsuring that PS3 team have the information provided by staff through CPOMSRegular meetings between PS3 team and Designated Safeguarding leads to discuss

