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The Keep Learning Trust

Reading at Home

Reading at home is all about enjoyment and enrichment of the reading experience.

Visits to a library are so motivational to enable children to choose their own reading material. Their choices are so important, whether because of their interests or because they love a particular story. Go with their choices and you will see them develop in time.


You will also receive books from school that are part of our reading scheme. The system is colour coded and children have a good choice within each colour band.  Each band has books from a number of commercial reading schemes as we recognize that different styles of texts appeal to different children. 


The books are matched fairly closely to the child’s reading ability. Please note that a child may be able to read mechanically – but are they exploring the story sufficiently to really understand the story ? Are they relating it to their own life experience?  Sometimes accelerating a child mechanically through books, means that they are reading without meaning or involvement. This eventually dries up a child’s enthusiasm for reading for enjoyment. It is most important to discuss stories. If you would like additional ideas please ask class teachers. They will be only too happy to help.


Children are assessed when we feel they may be ready to move on to another colour band.  Assessment includes questions on a child's literal and inferential understanding of a text.


More information about Reading can be found by clicking the link below:
