Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
Our aim is to deliver a curriculum that is outstanding in that it is both excellent and enjoyable.
The curriculum provision is organized in age groups as follows:
Reception The ‘Foundation Stage’ Curriculum
Years 1 and 2 Key Stage 1 National Curriculum
Years 3 - 6 Key Stage 2 National Curriculum
The Foundation Stage Curriculum
The emphasis of this curriculum is that children experience their learning first hand and are encouraged to develop their curiosity and verbal language skills.
The basic skills are taught within a thematic approach which reinforces the learning and encourages the development and use of the basic skills which form the foundation for future learning.
Children need to be able to listen, ask questions, speak and explain their ideas clearly. Following alongside these skills are the recognisable pursuits of reading, writing and numeracy. We place great emphasis on developing high standards in these areas and children often exceed national expectations for the age group.
Children who enter Reception are assessed in the first few weeks to establish their starting place in developing their basic skills. These findings will be shared with you at your first parents evening in October. Your contribution to this assessment is very important to us and is welcomed.
Key Stage 1 National Curriculum
This curriculum is for children in Year 1 and 2. It includes:
English Mathematics Science
Art and Design Design and Technology Computing
History Geography Music
Physical Education
In addition to the National Curriculum we also include: French and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
Again, we teach the basic skills incrementally and include them in a Thematic approach in delivering the National Curriculum Subjects. Literacy Skills are developed and used across the curriculum to facilitate children with differing opportunities to use and understand language. This encourages vocabulary and concept development. Mathematical skills are taught discretely to ensure a clear progression of learning.
Key Stage 2 National Curriculum
In years 3 to 6 all of the KS1 subjects are included with the addition of a Modern Foreign Language –at Greenmount we continue the teaching of French throughout the juniors. The teaching of PSHE is also included.
Once again literacy is taught across the curriculum.
A comprehensive document which outlines and details the curriculum we teach is available by following the link below.
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