Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
Subject | Overview of topics |
English: Writing | Writing to inform Recount (newspaper) Non-Chronological report Writing to entertain Free Verse Poetry Narrative |
Maths | Decimals Money Time Shape Statistics Position and Direction |
Science | Sound Electricity |
Computing | Animation Spreadsheets Making music |
History | Britain from Anglo Saxon to Viking times Viking invasions, including Lindisfarne Viking life and the impact of the invasion The fall of the Vikings Edward the Confessor and the Battle of Hastings |
Geography | Locational Knowledge of Europe and the UK |
Art and Design | Printing - repeating patterns Artists: Hiberno-Saxon (Lindisfarne Gospels) |
Design Technology | Electrical Control Torches
Cooking and nutrition |
PE | Cricket Fielding Skills Swimming Rounders Athletics |
Music | Blackbird Reflect, rewind and replay |
RE | For Christians, when Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost ? How and why do people mark the significant events of life ? |
PSHE | How can our choices impact on others and the environment ? How can we manage risks in different places ? |
French | France |
Following on from their topic on The Romans in Year 3, the children will continue to learn that people from other societies have been invading and settling in Britain for a long time. Links will be made to how Saxons and Scots contributed to the formation and development of the ways of life in the UK. The children will understand where Anglo-Saxons and Scots originated from as well as how, when and why they invaded Britain.
The main focus of the topic is on the Vikings, finding out who they were and, building on their geographical knowledge of Europe, where they came from. They will explore how and why they invaded Britain as well as understanding what happened during their invasions and what Viking warriors were like.
The children will learn how the Vikings lived and worked, making comparisons with modern-day life.