Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
Year Two (combined with structures)
that there are different types of puppets
that puppets are made up of different parts
to make simple drawings and label parts
basic sewing techniques
to use a template to mark out identical pieces of fabric
to compare joining techniques
simple vocabulary associated with the use of textiles
that ideas for their own designs can be developed by looking at a selection of puppets
to identify simple design criteria
to model their ideas by making a paper mock-up
to mark out, cut and join fabric pieces to make the main part of their puppet
to use appropriate finishing techniques
to evaluate against design criteria
Year Four (combined with structures)
that products are designed for different purposes and different users
to evaluate products and identify criteria that can be used for their own designs
to make labelled drawings from different views showing specific features
how to sew using a range of different stitches
that fabrics have different properties
that some joining techniques are stronger/weaker than others
that fabric can be joined in temporary and permanent ways
how to model ideas with paper or inexpensive fabric
to use simple decorative techniques eg dyeing, embroidery or fabric paints
how to design a product using textiles for a specific purpose
to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of a design
to draw up simple design specifications
to make a plan of how to make the product
how to make a paper pattern/template that uses a seam allowance
to measure, tape or pin, cut and join fabric with some accuracy
to evaluate their product identifying strengths and areas for development against the original specifications
Year Six (combined with structures)
that products are designed for a particular purpose and are suitable for different users
that a designer needs to consider appearance, function, cost and safety when designing products
that many different materials can be used on a product (teddy bear) some to stiffen, some to provide a hard-wearing surface and some for appearance
that pattern/templates can be used many times and this ensures consistency in size
how to pin, sew and stitch materials together to create a product
that ideas for products can be developed by modelling with paper or scrap metal
to develop a design specification
to communicate their ideas through drawings and modelling
how to plan the order of their work, choosing appropriate materials, tools and techniques
to construct products using permanent joining techniques
how to achieve a quality product
to evaluate products identifying strengths and areas for development and carrying out appropriate tests