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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success



Know that different types of pencils or media make different marks on a surface.  

Know that some make thicker/thinner marks and others make darker/lighter marks.  

Identify and then draw components of plants and trees.  

Know the effect of light/darker lines, thinner/thicker lines on what they are drawing.  

Know how to draw parts of humans.  

Revise parts of the head and extend to: shoulders, neck, hair, arms coming from shoulders, eyebrows, etc. 

Use a full grip of three fingered grip when drawing.  

Using drawing media, create basic shapes that represent objects.  

Add to exiting shape to create different effects e.g. hairstyles.  

Know how to represent different textures of an object using pencils, chalk and charcoal. 

Know that different apparatus and pressure can make thick or thin lines. 

Know that paintbrushes can make marks on a surface when combined with paint using brush strokes.

Identify components of objects such as petal, stem, bud, leaf, branch, trunk and represent these using appropriate shapes.

Know that some paints move differently to others. E.g. some may be thick and

need more effort to move. Some may be drier etc.

Know that when paint is mixed, it will change its colour.

Know the names of all of the colours.

Choose colours to be used in an artwork.

Know what the term ‘background’ and  means.

Know that some colours can be “light” or “bright” or “dark”.

Hold painting medium (paintbrush, sponge brush etc) with increasing control, using a consistent full grip or three-fingered grip.

Create lines and shapes that more clearly reference a given shape or concept.

Using painting apparatus, they can create basic shapes that represent objects from

observation or imagination.

Represent textures of an object using different brush strokes. E.g. sharp strokes for tree bark. 

Create lines that consist of differing widths(thick and thin) by

changing the position of the paintbrush or selecting appropriate apparatus.

Learn about different effects paintbrushes can create.  E.g. splattering

Know that some artists combine media and replicate that in their work.

Know that natural materials can be assembled to depict different things.

Know how to join and attach natural materials to a frame e.g. a cardboard box, a plant pot, a tied group of sticks.

Know that materials can be laid out to make patterns.

Build on what they learned through modelling sand to depict trees or flowers.

Know how to shape playdough and similar soft material to make a thumb pot.

Know how to make indents into the material or add things to make a sculpture.

Know how to use tools to make holes and indents.

Print with a range of hard and soft materials e.g. corks, pens, cotton reels, sponges

Take rubbings to understand and inform their own textured prints and patterns

End piecePen/chalk drawings; plants, flowers, trees, parts of the bodysplatter painting, plants, flowers, treesthumb pots with clay; salt dough, paper lanterns, dragon headsleaf and vegetablecrowns
Artists Jason Pollack   

