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The Keep Learning Trust

How much we have been allocated and how we intend to spend it

Allocated Amount 2020 - 2021: £19,140


This figure is comprised of 9 "Ever 6" Pupil Premium (pupils who have been eligible for free school meals within the last 6 years) and 3 "Post LAC" (Looked After Children) pupils.


Our Pupil Premium Champion is Mr Griffith.

Our Pupil Premium Link Governors are Mr G Scott and Mr B Pinder.


Summary of the main barriers faced by eligible pupils:

  • Pupils who have suffered early trauma and experience on-going attachment issues - this includes pupils with emotional and developmental delay
  • Delays in social/emotional/behavioural development
  • Cognitive delay
  • Medical conditions which can impact on attendance and thus learning
  • Language barriers
  • The impact of school closure due to Covid-19


How the allocation will be spent:

  • Providing 1;1 teaching in addition to quality first teaching
  • Providing 1:1 teaching assistant support 
  • Providing small group/individual interventions with an experienced teacher or T.A
  • 1:1 speech therapy practice
  • Purchasing particular resources


All our work through pupil premium will be aimed at accelerating progress and breaking down barriers to learning that have been identified in order to move children to age related expectations and beyond This will initially be in Maths, English and communication.


Pupil premium resources will also be used to improve outcomes for the more able disadvantaged pupils in order to diminish the difference against outcomes nationally.


How Impact will be measured:

  • Evidenced based interventions - before and after impact
  • Pupil Progress meetings each half term will inform impact on progress and attainment through class room interventions,1:1 etc. and will inform next steps
  • End of term standardised tests will also inform teacher assessment throughout the year.


The impact of our spending will be published once assessment data is available at the end of August 2021.
