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Proud to be part of

The Keep Learning Trust


There are two donation systems operating in school.

One is a Parent Teacher Association system of supporting PTA funds, which in turn provide for many additional resources for our school which government funding struggles to provide. You will receive information about this method of supporting school from the PTA at intervals during the year.


The other system of donations is for school visits arranged by your child’s class teacher. These visits are predominantly used to support and stimulate children’s learning in the school curriculum. The vast majority of parents agree that such visits are desirable to enrich children’s educational experience. School visit donations are calculated at the precise cost of the visit shared out to the number of children, less any subsidy.


We are keen that all children are able to take part in school visits without discrimination. If parents are genuinely unable to make a full donation please make us aware and we are able to access contingency funds allocated for this purpose. All information given will be treated with the strictest confidence. (Please speak to Mr Griffith or Miss Kunce).


Additionally, we also run a number of fund-raising events over the course of the year to support different charities - watch the newsletter for more information.


A copy of our Charging Policy is available on the Policies page:
