Greenmount -
a Pathway to Success
Children can gain all sorts of rewards in school for good effort, excellence in their work or for being super helpful, reliable, kind or careful.
Good Work and Positive Attitudes to Learning
These are rewarded through Green Dojo Points or Team Points. Parents can keep track of their children's achievements through an app or by receiving a weekly email.
Reach for the stars …
Teachers identify children who have either made a noticeable improvement in an aspect of their learning or who have done something notable during the week. Teachers try to recognise all children’s efforts verbally every day – this is something a little more special. Certificates are presented at our whole school assembly on a Friday. On gaining their 3rd certificate, a bronze award is achieved. A silver award is achieved after 6 certificates. The prestigious “gold award” is presented to children who achieve 10 certificates over the course of the year.
One child in each class is named as the "Star of the Week"
Team Points
We also believe that supporting a team of people is important. Their colour teams are organised on entry to school. Team points are announced in assembly each week and the winning team is published in the newsletter.