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ReceptionNot specifically covered in Reception
Year One

Improvisation is about making up your own tunes on the spot.  

When someone improvises, they make up their own tune that has never been heard before. It is not written down and belongs to them.

Everyone can improvise!  

Use the improvisation tracks provided. Improvise using the three challenges:  


Clap and Improvise ​–​ ​Listen and clap back, then listen and clap your own answer (rhythms of words).  


Sing, Play and Improvise ​– ​ ​Use voices and instruments, listen and sing back, then listen and play your own answer using one or two notes.  


Improvise! ​ – ​Take it in turns to improvise using ​one or two notes.  

Year Two

Improvisation is making up your own tunes on the spot.

When someone improvises, they make up their own tune that has never been heard before. It is not written down and belongs to them.

Everyone can improvise, and you can use one or two notes.

Use the improvisation tracks provided. Improvise using the three challenges:

Clap and Improvise ​–​ ​Listen and clap back, then listen and clap your own answer (rhythms of words).

Sing, Play and Improvise ​– ​ ​Use voices and instruments, listen and sing back, then listen and play your own answer using one or two notes.

Improvise!​ – ​Take it in turns to improvise using ​one or two notes.

Year Three

To know and be able to talk about improvisation:   

Improvisation is making up your own tunes on the spot  

When someone improvises, they make up their own tune that has never been heard before. It is not written down and belongs to them  

To know that using one or two notes confidently is better than using  


To know that if you improvise using the notes you are given, you cannot make a mistake  


Improvise using instruments in the context of the song they are learning to perform. Using the improvisation tracks provided, children will complete the Bronze, Silver or Gold Challenges:  


Bronze Challenge:  

Copy Back ​– ​ ​Listen and sing back   

○ Play and Improvise ​– ​ ​Using instruments, listen and play your own answer using one note.  

 ○ Improvise! ​–​ ​Take it in turns to improvise using one note.  

Silver Challenge:  

Sing, Play and Copy Back ​–​ ​Listen and copy back using instruments, using two different notes.  

○ Play and Improvise ​– ​ ​Using your instruments, listen and play your own answer using one or two notes.  

○ Improvise! ​–​ ​Take it in turns to improvise using one or two notes.  


Gold Challenge:  

Sing, Play and Copy Back –​ ​ Listen and copy back using​ instruments, two different notes.  

○ Play and Improvise ​– ​ ​Using your instruments, listen and play your own answer using two different notes.  

○ Improvise! ​–​ ​Take it in turns to improvise using three different notes.  


Year Four

To  know  and  be  able  to  talk  about  improvisation:    

Improvisation  is  making  up  your  own  tunes  on  the  spot   

When  someone  improvises,  they  make  up  their  own  tune  that  has  never  been  heard  before.  It  is  not  written  down  and  belongs  to  them.   

To  know  that  using  one  or  two  notes  confidently  is  better  than  using   


To  know  that  if  you  improvise  using  the  notes  you  are  given,  you  cannot  make  a  mistake   

To  know  that  you  can  use  some  of  the  riffs  you  have  heard  in  the  Challenges  in  your  improvisations   

Improvise  using  instruments  in  the  context  of  a  song  they  are  learning  to  perform.  Use  the  improvisation  tracks  provided  and  improvise  using  the  Bronze,  Silver  or  Gold  Challenges.   


Bronze  Challenge:   

Copy  Back –  Listen   and  sing  back  melodic  patterns   

○ Play  and  Improvise –  Using   instruments,  listen  and  play  your  own  answer  using  one  note.   

○ Improvise! –  Take   it  in  turns  to  improvise  using  one  note.   


Silver  Challenge:   

Sing,  Play  and  Copy  Back –  Listen   and  copy  back  using  instruments,  using  two  different  notes.   

○ Play  and  Improvise –  Using   your  instruments,  listen  and  play  your  own  answer  using  one  or  two  notes.   

○ Improvise! –  Take   it  in  turns  to  improvise  using  one  or  two  notes.   


Gold  Challenge:   

Sing,  Play  and  Copy  Back –  Listen   and  copy  back  using  instruments,  two  different  notes.   

○ Play  and  Improvise –  Using   your  instruments,  listen  and  play  your  own  answer  using  two  different  notes.   

○ Improvise! –  Take   it  in  turns  to  improvise  using  three  different  notes.   


Year Five

To know and be able to talk about improvisation:   

Improvisation is making up your own tunes on the spot  

When someone improvises, they make up their own tune that has never been heard before. It is not written down and belongs to them.  

To know that using one or two notes confidently is better than using  


To know that if you improvise using the notes you are given, you cannot make a mistake  

To know that you can use some of the riffs you have heard in the Challenges in your improvisations  

To know three well-known improvising musicians  

Improvise using instruments in the context of a song to be performed. Use the improvisation tracks provided and improvise using the Bronze, Silver or Gold Challenges.  


Play and Copy Back   

Bronze​ – Copy back using instruments. Use one note.  

○ Silver​ – Copy back using instruments. Use the two notes.  

○ Gold​ – Copy back using instruments. Use the three notes.   


Play and Improvise​ You will be using up to three notes:  

Bronze​ – Question and Answer using instruments. Use one note in your answer.  

○ Silver​ – Question and Answer using instruments. Use two notes in your answer. Always start on a G.  

○ Gold​ – ​ ​Question and Answer using instruments. Use three notes in your answer. Always start on a G.  


Improvisation! ​You will be using up to three notes. The notes will be provided on-screen and in the lesson plan:  

Bronze​ – Improvise using one note. ○ Silver​ – Improvise using two notes.  

○ Gold​ – Improvise using three notes.  


Classroom Jazz 2​ – Improvise with a feeling for the style of Bossa Nova and  

Swing using the notes D, E, G, A + B (pentatonic scale/a five-note pattern)  

Year Six

To  know  and  be  able  to  talk  about  improvisation:    

Improvisation  is  making  up  your  own  tunes  on  the  spot   

When  someone  improvises,  they  make  up  their  own  tune  that  has  never  been  heard  before.  It  is  not  written  down  and  belongs  to  them.   

To  know  that  using  one,  two  or  three  notes  confidently  is  better  than  using  five   

To  know  that  if  you  improvise  using  the  notes  you  are g iven,  you  cannot  make  a  mistake   

To  know  that  you  can  use  some  of  the  riffs  and  licks  you  have  learnt  in  the  Challenges  in  your  improvisations   

To  know  three  well-known  improvising  musicians   

Improvise  using  instruments  in  the  context  of  a  song  to  be  performed.  Use  the  improvisation  tracks  provided  and  improvise  using  the  Bronze,  Silver  or G old  Challenges.   


Play  and  Copy  Back    

Bronze  –  Copy  back  using  instruments.  Use  one  note.   

○ Silver  –  Copy  back  using  instruments.  Use  the t wo  notes.   

○ Gold  –  Copy  back  using  instruments.  Use  the t hree  notes.    


Play  and  Improvise  You  will  be  using  up  to  three  notes:   

Bronze  –  Question  and  Answer  using  instruments.  Use  one  note  in  your  answer.   

○ Silver  –  Question  and  Answer  using  instruments.  Use  two  notes  in  your  answer.  Always  start  on  a G .   

○ Gold  – Question   and  Answer  using  instruments.  Use three  notes  in  your  answer.  Always  start  on  a G .   


Improvisation! You   will  be  using  up  to  three  notes. T he  notes  will  be  provided  on-screen  and  in  the  lesson  plan:   

Bronze  –  Improvise  using  one  note.   

○ Silver  –  Improvise  using  two  notes.   

○ Gold  –  Improvise  using  three  notes.   


Classroom  Jazz  2  –  Improvise  with  a  feeling  for t he  style  of  Bossa  Nova  and   

Swing  using  the  notes  D,  E,  G,  A  +  B  (pentatonic  scale/a  five-note  pattern)   

