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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

Year Two


Know how to shade.  

Know that holding the pencil close to the point will help control and detail, further towards the end creates loose sketching.  

Know how to follow basic contours and outlines of shapes from observation.  

Know that refining lines increases the detail of their drawing.  

Know how to shade by drawing in certain directions. 

Know how to sketch by holding the pencil further towards the end for loose sketching.  

Know what ‘tone’ means.  

Know that tones can be blended together from light, mid to dark using a pencil.  

Know that a pencil must be used at an angle when applying different tones.  

Begin to blend tones or gradients using appropriate pressure.  

Can begin to follow the contour lines of a shape when shading (directional shading).  

Know how to use shading and lines to create a study of the human body or a portrait. 

Know that using different brushes will create a different aesthetic. E.g. a large flat brush will create wide sharp lines.

Know that holding the paintbrush close to the point will help control and detail and that brush strokes are more fluid and expressive when creating sketched lines; grip towards the end.

Know that paints have different properties – they can be thick or thin in consistency and used for different effects.

Know what a ‘wash’ is.

Know that red, blue and yellow are primary colours and orange, green and purple are secondary colours. Knows that blue, green and purple belong to the cool colour family.

Knows that when adding a darker colour such as purple makes its colour or value darker. This is known as shade. Colours can also be tinted with other colours (when red is added to white, it has a red tint creating pink).

Know that tones can be blended together from light, mid to dark using a paintbrush.

Know how to paint flowers and plants.

Know that sometimes artists plan out what they are going to paint with fine sketch lines to form a composition. 

Know that sculptors compose sculptures in different poses to show stillness or action.

Know how sculptors try to give the impression of movement.

Know how to create a figure of a person and the idea of it being in proportion.

Using pictures of Alberto Giacometti’s work – children appraise it and annotate in their art journals.

Sketch wooden mannequins to explore the human body including scale and form. Know how to sculpt using pipe cleaners and tin foil.

End pieceAbstract PortraitFlowers & PlantsHuman Figure manmade materials
Artists Pablo Picasso C R Mackintosh; May MorrisAlberto Giacometti

