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The Keep Learning Trust

Parents' Evenings (Pupil Progress)

There are two specific opportunities to meet with your child’s class teacher.


In October:    

This is a short, getting to know you meeting in which your child’s class teacher will

discuss your child’s curriculum targets in English and Maths with you. This is also an                       opportunity to inform the teacher of any of your concerns / knowledge about your child’s interests that you have. If however, you know that you need a lengthy discussion please arrange a separate appointment with the class teacher. This will hopefully avoid any lengthy delays for other parents on the evening. You will receive information about the available discussion times approximately two weeks in advance.


In February/March:

At this stage of the year it is reassuring to know that your child is making every effort with their learning and they are continuing to make good progress towards the targets set at the beginning of the school year. Yr 1 – Y6 parents will receive information about appointment times approximately two weeks before the interviews. 


The Reception teachers hold drop in sessions for parents during the Spring term. You will receive information giving you details about appointments etc from the class teachers.


In July   :         

This is the traditional school report time.  We do expect that children will continue to make good progress throughout the year and the final report should bear no nasty surprises. It is for this reason that there should only be the exceptionally rare occasion when a parent should need to discuss the report with their child’s class teacher. If you feel that this is necessary please contact the school office for the teacher to contact you.
