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The Keep Learning Trust

Cookery Corner

We love cookery lessons.  For years 1 to 6, these take place on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in small groups.  Mrs Eddleston teaches us cookery in The Den.

Fancy having a go at home ?  Check out all of Mrs Eddleston's recipes below !


When am I cooking ?   You'll be sent a list of dates so you know exactly which week your group will be on.

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2

Year 4

Some of Year 2

Year 5Year 6Year 3Year 4Year 5

Year 4

Some of Year 2

Year 3

Rest of Year 2

Year 3

Year 1

Year 1


For Reception, cookery activities take place in class as part of their topics.  Recipes below. 
