Greenmount -
a Pathway to Success
Year 3 | Autumn | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what someone is wearing (including colour) - beginning to agree noun and adjective e.g. Je porte une jupe verte Il porte un pantalon bleu Elle porte une chemise blanche |
Spring | None in this unit | |
Summer | Using word banks, write simple sentences using il y a e.g. Chez moi, il y a une cuisine, un salon et quatres chambres Begin to agree the noun and adjective |
Year 4 | Autumn | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what I like or dislike using J'aime (I like) and Je n'aime pas (I don't like) |
Spring | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what I like or dislike using J'aime (I like), Je n'aime pas (I don't like), Je détèste (I hate), J'adore (I love) | |
Summer | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what I like or dislike using J'aime (I like), Je n'aime pas (I don't like), Je détèste (I hate), J'adore (I love) |
Year 5 | Autumn | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying which school subjects like/dislike Write a simple sentence to say at what time a lesson starts and who teaches it. |
Spring | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying where they live, what nationality they are and what languages they speak. Using word banks, write simple sentences saying the activities different people do at the circus, using the correct form of the verb faire | |
Summer | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what the weather is / was like in a particular place - build into a script for filming a weather forecast |
Year 6 | Autumn | With the support of a vocabulary list, write numbers up to 10,000 With the support of a vocabulary list, write months and days From memory, write the time using il est or à With decreasing dependence on words lists, write sentences with time adverbial, subject and verb (and sometimes object). Focus on choosing the correct ending for the verb (to agree with the subject). |
Spring | With decreasing dependence on words lists, write sentences that describe the weather during a season of the year (sometimes adding a place) | |
Summer | With decreasing dependence on vocabulary lists, write sentences that describe what was eaten on a particular day in the past e.g. Le lundi j'ai mangé un sandwich et j'ai bu une limonade. Write simple and complex sentences to describe what happens at 14th July celebrations e.g. ils portent le drapeau français. Il est bleu, blanc et rouge. Ils regardent le feu d'artifice. |