Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
In Reception and Year One, the children read the Collins Big Cat reading books linked to their progress through the Little Wandle phonics scheme. They read each book twice in school and then take it home to share with parents and carers. A half-termly assessment matches the children to the correct reading practise books. The children can also take "free choice" reading books home and change these as often as they like.
At the end of Year One, we assess each child and allocate them to one of the coloured reading bands. The books in these bands are from the Oxford Reading Tree scheme and a number of other schemes too so that we offer a wide variety of texts.
The children follow this colour band progression as they move through Year 2 and beyond. The graphic below shows the expected progress through the colours as they move through school. It is important to note that children progress at different rates and we ensure that children are secure reading at one colour before they move to the next. This includes their comprehension skills as well as their word reading skills.