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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success



A  performance  is  sharing  music.    

Perform  any  of  the  nursery  rhymes  by  singing  and  adding  actions  or   dance.    

Perform  any  nursery  rhymes  or s ongs  adding  a  simple  instrumental    


Record  the  performance  to  talk  about.    

Year One

A performance is sharing music with other people, called an audience.   

Choose a song they have learnt from the Scheme and perform it.  

They can add their ideas to the performance.   

Record the performance and say how they were feeling about it.   

Year Two

A performance is sharing music with an audience. 

A performance can be a special occasion and involve a class, a year group or a whole school. 

An audience can include your parents and friends.

Choose a song they have learnt from the Scheme and perform it.

They can add their ideas to the performance. 

Record the performance and say how they were feeling about it. 

Year Three

To know and be able to talk about:  

Performing is sharing music with other people, an audience   

A performance doesn’t have to be a drama! It can be to one person or to each other  

You need to know and have planned everything that will be performed  

You must sing or rap the words clearly and play with confidence   

A performance can be a special occasion and involve an audience including of people you don’t know  

It is planned and different for each occasion   

It involves communicating feelings, thoughts and ideas about the song/music  

To choose what to perform and create a programme.  

To communicate the meaning of the words and clearly articulate them.  

To talk about the best place to be when performing and how to stand  

or sit.  

To record the performance and say how they were feeling, what they were pleased with what they would change and why.  

Year Four

To  know  and  be  able  to  talk  about:   

Performing  is  sharing  music  with  other  people,  an  audience    

A  performance  doesn’t  have  to  be  a  drama!  It  can  be  to  one  person  or  to  each  other   

You  need  to  know  and  have  planned  everything  that  will  be  performed   

You  must  sing  or  rap  the  words  clearly  and  play  with  confidence    

A  performance  can  be  a  special  occasion  and  involve  an  audience  including  of  people  you  don’t  know   

It  is  planned  and  different  for  each  occasion    

It  involves  communicating  feelings,  thoughts  and  ideas  about  the  song/music   

To  choose  what  to  perform  and  create  a  programme.   

Present  a  musical  performance  designed  to  capture  the  audience.   

To  communicate  the  meaning  of  the  words  and  clearly  articulate  them.   

To  talk  about  the  best  place  to  be  when  performing  and  how t o  stand   

or  sit.   

To  record  the  performance  and  say  how  they  were  feeling,  what  they  were  pleased  with  what  they w ould  change  and  why.   

Year Five

To know and be able to talk about:  

Performing is sharing music with other people, an audience   

A performance doesn’t have to be a drama! It can be to one person or to each other  

Everything that will be performed must be planned and learned   

You must sing or rap the words clearly and play with confidence   

A performance can be a special occasion and involve an audience including of people you don’t know  

It is planned and different for each occasion   

A performance involves communicating ideas, thoughts and feelings about the song/music  

To choose what to perform and create a programme.  

To communicate the meaning of the words and clearly articulate them.  

To talk about the venue and how to use it to best effect.  

To record the performance and compare it to a previous performance.   

To discuss and talk musically about it – “What went well?” and “It would have been even better if...?”  

Year Six

To  know  and  be  able  to  talk  about:   

Performing  is  sharing  music  with  an  audience  with  belief    

A  performance  doesn’t  have  to  be  a  drama!  It  can  be  to  one  person  or  to  each  other   

Everything  that  will b e  performed  must  be  planned  and  learned    

You  must  sing  or  rap  the  words  clearly  and  play  with  confidence    

A  performance  can  be  a  special  occasion  and  involve  an  audience  including  of  people  you  don’t  know   

It  is  planned  and  different  for  each  occasion    

A  performance  involves  communicating  ideas,  thoughts  and f eelings  about  the  song/music   


To  choose  what  to  perform  and  create  a  programme.   

To  communicate  the  meaning  of  the  words  and  clearly  articulate  them.   

To  talk  about  the  venue  and  how  to  use  it  to  best  effect.   

To  record  the  performance  and  compare  it t o  a  previous  performance.    

To  discuss  and  talk  musically  about  it  –  “What  went  well?”  and  “It  would  have  been  even  better i f...?”   

