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a Pathway to Success

The Reading to Writing Journey

High quality texts are the launch pad for the children's writing activities.  The texts are explored as a class with the teacher so often the reading complexity of the text will be above the independent reading level of the class. These high quality texts include picture books throughout the school as a stimulus for writing and we share other related model texts at or above the children's independent reading level to help them construct their own texts.

The structure of our reading to writing journey is:


Hook in!

Every writing journey should start with a ‘hook’. (image, music, item) 

Using a book, video, visitor, trip, etc hook children into the unit of work.   

Pupils might use VIPERS skills to explore the stimulus.  


Collect it!

The purpose of the ‘Collect It ‘stage is for children to be equipped with the best possible language to apply in their writing. We want to engage the children in writing through the provision of a range of engaging writing stimuli. 

  • Stimulus – book, video, etc.  

  • Provide rich experiences to develop ideas and vocabulary to use in writing. This could be in the form of a trip, a visitor, a film, book or a creative experience.  

  • All children should have access to high quality visuals/objects as well as dictionaries and thesauruses. Use photo images. 


Deconstruct it!

Before the pupils begin to plan their writing, they should have opportunities to explore age related texts to better understand layout and features etc.    

Use of exemplar texts (WAGOLLs) are crucial to the teaching of writing. The level of language should be pitched so it is slightly ahead of what the highest achievers can currently write and is, therefore, challenging but within reach. The receptive language of EAL children (as well as many with SEND) is often far ahead of their written skills. Therefore, we should not put ceilings on language acquisition by simplifying WAGOLLS. Instead, we should use scaffolding as a means of access to the rich language of the WAGOLL.  


Plan it!

Once the pupils have been immersed with the language and knowledge of the topic and structures of the text type, they will then plan their own piece of writing. By the end of the ‘Plan it’ stage, children should have organised their ideas gained from the writing process so far into a cohesive and structured plan ready for writing. This does not have to be a boxed-up plan but must show that the pupil understands the structure, flow and language of their planned piece of writing. This plan should be kept in a ‘planning pocket’ and not stuck in (at this stage) to encourage the children to use their plan for writing.  

Construct it!

This section of the learning process is to focus on the teaching of new knowledge needed to write their final piece. This will include precision teaching, modelling, relating to the purpose and function of the text as well as focused grammar activities. For example: Year 4 pupils are writing a narrative where they need to use fronted adverbials. In this stage fronted adverbials would be taught. The children then may produce some writing or ideas using this skill that they could use in their final piece. Or they may write a different text type to practise the newly taught skill.  

Write it!

At this stage the pupils should be ready to write. They will have their plan, WAGOLL, language ideas as well as newly taught skills to help them write. This isn’t always a free write. This can still be structured with revision all the way through. This process may take up to three days depending on the year group and cohort. 

Edit it!

Once the pupils have written their first draft, editing should firstly be taught and practiced before them editing their own work. This could be self-editing or peer editing. 

Celebrate it!

The final piece of work will be celebrated through celebratory comments in books, stickers, shared on Dojo, shared with audience/peers.   




Each half term, children should write an independent piece of work. The work will not be structured for the children at all. It is an opportunity to see what the children can do completely independently. This will be linked to the half term’s purpose/text type or a previously taught text type. 
