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The Keep Learning Trust

The impact of our funding

In the Autumn of 2015, the DfE redefined the criteria for how the premium may be spent.  This affected our plans for the year and this resulted in a change of how we allocated our funding:


1.  Additional extra-curricular activities

£6,017.71 was spent to increase the number and variety of extra curricular activities for children.


Funding this year has allowed all infant children to be offered a free half-term's after school club.  Children have been able to choose from football, gymnastics, multi-skills and street dance.


We employ a sports coach for two lunchtimes a week to provide football training for year 3 and year 4.  This helps them prepare for their time in Y5/Y6 when they are allowed to play football independently at lunchtimes/breaktimes.


Additional after-school clubs have been provided this year in athletics and cross country.  Football remains our most popular after-school activity with three separate clubs each week.


2. CPD

Drawing on the expertise of longer standing staff, team teaching in dance and gymnastics has upskilled one of our teachers.  The cost of releasing these staff members was £154.80.


3. Resources

£2257 has been spent on additional resources for P.E. and Sport.

£1307 enabled us to purchase a wide range of gymnastic equipment to ensure greater participation in lessons and the provision of more challenging equipment for our older children.

£450 was allocated to the purchase of additional sports resources to be used at lunchtimes.

£500 was allocated to purchase resources to enable tennis to be taught as part of our P.E. curriculum.


4. Healthy Week

We continue to hold an annual "healthy week" at the end of the summer term when the whole school is engaged in sporting and health related activities.

£450 from the Sports Premium enabled us to engage outside coaches and activities for the children to engage in.


5. Bury North Sports Festival

We organised and hosted the first of an annual event for Year 6 pupils from the primary schools in the Bury North cluster.

£205 was spent on employing referees for the festival.

Children from 5 schools engaged in friednly matches in boys football, girls football, tag rugby, hockey and rounders.

The children who took part were those who hadn't had many opportunities to represent their school competitively during the course of the year.

This festvial is planned for the coming summer.

