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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success



Know that natural materials can be assembled to depict different things.

Know how to join and attach natural materials.

Know that materials can be laid out to make patterns.

Build on what they learned through modelling sand to depict trees or flowers.

Know how to shape playdough and similar soft material to make a thumb pot.

Know how to make indents into the material or add things to make a sculpture.

Know how to use tools to make holes and indents.

Year One


Sculptor: Andy Goldsworthy

Know that different materials make different impressions in clay, playdough etc.

Look at the effect of pressing natural materials into playdough e.g. sticks, seeds, acorns, leaves, berries.

Know how to score shapes and ridges into soft materials.

Imprint a clay/playdough tile with natural materials.

Know how to make a relief.

Year Two


Sculptor: Alberto Giacometti

Know that sculptors compose sculptures in different poses to show stillness or action.

Know how sculptors try to give the impression of movement.

Know how to create a figure of a person and the idea of it being in proportion.

Using pictures of Alberto Giacometti’s work – children appraise it and annotate in their art journals.

Sketch wooden mannequins to explore the human body including scale and form. Know how to sculpt using pipe cleaners and tin foil.

Year Three


Sculptor: Grayson Perry

Know that sculptors will shape different features and sometimes attach things such as handles, rims.

Know that some pots are made by coiling.

Know how to make a coil pot and compare this method with the thumb pots they made earlier.

Learn how to shape and mould the coils to the right length and thickness to create the effect.

Know the history of coil pots.

Know how to attach things to coil pots such as handles or decorations.

Know how to score a surface when attaching parts of clay.

Year Four


Architect: Eugene Viollet-le-Duc

Know what a gargoyle and what grotesques are.

Learn how to create proportion in faces.

Know about the proportions of features and how emotions can distort them.

Know how to create different textures in playdough and clay.

Know that you can create impressions, indents, reliefs in some areas and score to simulate texture.

Know how sculptors create emotion in faces.

Know the function of a gargoyle and know that they are often found in castles or cathedrals or churches.

Know how to attach smaller and thinner pieces of clay/playdough so that they will not fall off.

Sketch different designs for a gargoyle or a grotesque that shows emotion.

Year Five


Sculptor: Myron

Know that sculptors compose sculptures in different poses for different meanings and to show different emotions.

Know how sculptors try to give the impression of movement.

Know what negative space is and how sculptors use this for a visual effect.

Know how to create a figure of a person and the idea of it being in proportion.

Using a power point of local and national sculptures appraise using key vocabulary and terms linked to sculpture.

Sketch statues and annotate them with notes about how the sculptor is creating movement, shape, form, texture, and how they have an impact on the emotions of the viewer.

Know how to sculpt using wire, natural materials, and how to use an armature.


NB there is no sculpture work in Year 6 to give way for further work on printing.
