Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
Year 1 | Autumn | Count to 10 Say rouge, bleu and jaune Say un lapin, un chat, un chien and une vache Use bonjour and au-revoir in response to another Say what my name is using Je m'appelle ** |
Spring | Count up to 15 Say vert and orange Use salut and à bientôt in response to another Say how old I am using J'ai cinq / six ans Say how many brothers /sisters I have e.g. J'ai un frère / une soeur | |
Summer | Count up to 20 Say violet Use à demain in response to another Say how I'm feeling - ça va (I'm fine) Say the parts of the face J'ai une tête, J'ai un nez, J'ai deux yeux |
Year 2 | Autumn | Count to 30 Say noir and blanc Say the names of some classroom objects Say where I live using J'habite à ** Say some of the days of the week and months of the year Say e.g. c'est un crayon (it's a pencil); il y a deux règles bleues (there are two blue rulers) | |
Spring | Count to 40 Say rose, noir and blanc Say where a place is, responding to the question Où est la gare ? (where is the station ?) with a response such as La gare est à droite (the station is on the right) Say which flavour of ice cream I like or don't like using the phrases J'aime and Je n'aime pas | ||
Summer |
Year 3 | Autumn | Count to 60 Say what someone is wearing using Je porte (I am wearing), Il porte (he is wearing) or Elle porte (she is wearing) Say what colour a clothing item is, agreeing adjective with noun if necessary e.g. Je porte une jupe grise (I'm wearing a grey skirt) |
Spring | Count to 80 Say where a building is using prepositions and a place e.g. en face du supermarché (opposite the supermarket) | |
Summer | Count to 100 Say what rooms and furniture are in my house Say how many and what colour they are |
Year 4 | Autumn | Count in hundreds from 100 to 1000 Say what foods and drinks I like or dislike Saying what pets I have |
Spring | Count to 1000 Say what pass-times I like or dislike Saying the time (o'clock and half past) | |
Summer | Count to 10,000 Say what foods/drinks I like or dislike Saying where a city is in France (which direction) |
Year 5 | Autumn | Say which subjects we have on which days on the week Say what time a lesson begins |
Spring | Say where they live, what nationality they are and what language they speak Begin to use conjunctions donc (so), mais (but), et aussi (also) e.g. J'habite aux Etats Unis, mais je suis français. Je parle l'anglais et aussi le français (I live in the USA but I'm French. I speak English and also French. Say who is doing a particular circus activity using the correct form of the verb faire | |
Summer | Say what the weather is like in places by using the names of French cities or compass points e.g. au nord (in the north), au sud-est (in the south-east) Begin to use the past tense with some weather expressions e.g. le mardi il faisait du vent (On Tuesday it was windy) |
Year 6 | Autumn | Translate into French any number up to 10,000 Say when something happens (ref grammar section above and add previously learned vocabulary and phrases) Recalling the endings of -er verbs (e, es, e, e, e, ons, ez, ent) Saying what someone is doing at different times e.g. à huit heures nous regardons la télévision |
Spring | Saying what the weather is like, in different place, during different seasons of the year. Say what attractions you would find in Paris e.g. il y a la tour Eiffel | |
Summer | Say what was eaten/drank on different days by different people e.g. Le dimanche, il a mangé un gâteau et il a bu de l'eau. Say what people do to celebrate la fête nationale. |