Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
Knowledge | Skills | |
Reception | To know that we can move with the pulse of the music. To know that the words of songs can tell stories and paint pictures. | There are progressive Music Activities w ithin each unit that embed pulse, rhythm and pitch. Children listen to and work with the Games Track to complete the following in relation to t he main song : Activity A Games Track FInd the pulse by copying a character in a nursery rhyme, imagining a similar character or object and finding different ways to keep t he pulse. Activity B Copycat Rhythm Copy basic rhythm patterns of single words, building to short phrases from the song/s. Activity C High and Low Explore high and low using voices and s ounds of characters in t he songs. L isten to high-pitched and low-pitched sounds on a glockenspiel. Activity D Create Your Own Sounds Invent a pattern using one pitched note, k eep the pulse throughout with a single note and begin to create simple 2-note p atterns to accompany the song. |
Year One | To know that music has a steady pulse, like a heartbeat. To know that we can create rhythms from words, our names, favourite food, colours and animals. | There are progressive Warm-up Games and Challenges within each Unit that embed pulse, rhythm and pitch. Children will complete the following in relation to the main song:
Game 1 – Have Fun Finding The Pulse! FInd the pulse. Choose an animal and find the pulse
Game 2 – Rhythm Copy Back Listen to the rhythm and clap back. Copy back short rhythmic phrases based on words, with one and two syllables whilst marching to the steady beat.
Game 3 – Rhythm Copy Back, Your Turn Create rhythms for others to copy
Game 4 – Pitch Copy Back and Vocal Warm-up 1 Listen and sing back. Use your voices to copy back using ‘la’, whist marching to the steady beat |
Year Two | To know that music has a steady pulse, like a heartbeat. To know that we can create rhythms from words, our names, favourite food, colours and animals. Rhythms are different from the steady pulse. We add high and low sounds, pitch, when we sing and play our instruments. | There are progressive Warm-up Games and Challenges within each Unit that embed pulse, rhythm and pitch. Children will complete the following in relation to the main song:
Game 1 – Have Fun Finding the Pulse! FInd the pulse. Choose an animal and find the pulse.
Game 2 – Rhythm Copy Back Listen to the rhythm and clap back. Copy back short rhythmic phrases based on words, with one and two syllables whilst marching the steady beat.
Game 3 – Rhythm Copy Back, Your Turn Create rhythms for others to copy.
Game 4 – Pitch Copy Back and Vocal Warm-up 1 Listen and sing back. Use your voices to copy back using ‘la’, whilst marching the steady beat. |
Year Three | Know how to find and demonstrate the pulse. Know the difference between pulse and rhythm. Know how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together to create a song. Know that every piece of music has a pulse/steady beat. Know the difference between a musical question and an answer. | Using the Warm up Games tracks provided, complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold Challenges. Children will complete the following in relation to the main song, using two notes:
Find the Pulse
Rhythm Copy Back: Bronze: Clap and say back rhythms Silver: Create your own simple rhythm patterns Gold: Perhaps lead the class using their simple rhythms
Pitch Copy Back Using 2 Notes Bronze: Copy back – ‘Listen and sing back’ (no notation) Silver: Copy back with instruments, without then with notation Gold: Copy back with instruments, without and then with notation
Pitch Copy Back and Vocal Warm-ups |
Year Four | Know and be able to talk about: How pulse, rhythm and pitch work together Pulse: Finding the pulse – the heartbeat of the music Rhythm: the long and short patterns over the pulse Know the difference between pulse and rhythm Pitch: High and low sounds that create melodies How to keep the internal pulse Musical Leadership: creating musical ideas for the group to c opy or respond to
| Using the Warm up Games tracks provided, complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold Challenges. Children will complete the following in relation to the main song, u sing two notes:
Find the Pulse
Rhythm Copy Back: Bronze: Clap and say back rhythms Silver: Create your own simple rhythm patterns Gold: Perhaps lead the class using their simple rhythms
Pitch Copy Back Using 2 Notes Bronze: Copy back – ‘Listen and sing back’ (no notation) Silver: Copy back with instruments, without then with notation Gold: Copy back with instruments, without and then with notation
Pitch Copy Back and Vocal Warm-ups |
Year Five | Know and be able to talk about: How pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, texture and structure work together and how they connect in a song How to keep the internal pulse Musical Leadership: creating musical ideas for the group to copy or respond to | Using the Warm up Games tracks provided, complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold Challenges. Children will complete the following in relation to the main song, using three notes:
Bronze Challenge Find the pulse ○ Copy back rhythms based on the words of the main song, that include syncopation/off beat ○ Copy back one-note riffs using simple and syncopated rhythm patterns
Silver Challenge Find the pulse ○ Lead the class by inventing rhythms for others to copy back ○ Copy back two-note riffs by ear and with notation ○ Question and answer using two different notes
Gold Challenge Find the pulse ○ Lead the class by inventing rhythms for them to copy back ○ Copy back three-note riffs by ear and with notation ○ Question and answer using three different notes |
Year Six | Know and be able to talk about: How pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, texture and structure work together to create a song or music How to keep the internal pulse Musical Leadership: creating musical ideas for the group to copy or respond to | Using the Warm up Games tracks provided, complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold Challenges. Children will complete the following in relation to the main song, u sing three notes:
Bronze Challenge Find the pulse ○ Copy back rhythms based on the words of the main song, that include syncopation/off b eat ○ Copy back one-note riffs using simple and syncopated r hythm patterns
Silver Challenge Find the pulse ○ Lead the class by inventing rhythms for others to copy back ○ Copy back two-note riffs by ear and with notation ○ Question and answer using two different notes
Gold Challenge Find the pulse Lead the class by inventing rhythms for them to copy back Copy back three-note riffs by ear and with notation Question and answer using three different notes |