Greenmount -
a Pathway to Success
Our allocation for 2016 - 2017 was £8,188
The main focus of our work was to sustain and provide additional extra curricular opportunities.
£3120 was spent on providing lunch time sports activities (2 days per week between April and July 2016 and rising to 3 days per week from September 2016). This also enables one of our midday supervisors to be released to supervise hockey tournaments. Impact: on average, we have 40 children engaged in structured sporting activities each lunchtime.
£2340 was spent on providing additional after-school clubs from an outside provider (2 per week between April and July 2016 and 1 per week from September 2016). Impact: every infant child (105) has been able to attend at least 1 half term of paid extra-curricular sport over the course of the year.
£1284 has been spent to release our P.E. co-ordinator to enable two additional extra-curricular activities per week for junior children (Athletics and Running). Impact: The running club is provided at lunchtimes with 45% of our junior children attending. Athletics is run after school and attracts an average of 35-40 children each week.
The P.E. co-ordinator's release has also enabled us to participate in events such as the Greater Manchester School Games without additional cost to the school budget. He has also been working on leading our journey towards attaining the Sainsbury's School Games Mark.
£660 was spent on activities for our annual Healthy Week. Impact: the whole school were engaged in aerobic activities with Freddy Fit, Year 3 spent the morning at Holcombe Brook Tennis Club and we engaged the services of our part time P.E. teacher to provide additional sessions in a wide variety of sports.
£95 was spent on new resources for Sports Days and the remaining £689 was spent on general P.E. resources which included:
* a new set of hockey sticks Impact: whole classes are able to actively engage throughout the P.E. lesson
* indoor nets to enable games such as handball Impact: introducing children to new sports
* increasing the number of essential items (such as bean bags, skipping ropes etc). Impact: to ensure adequate numbers of each so that every child can be actively engaged in P.E. lessons
The activities described above form part of our long term plan to increase participation in school sport and P.E., promoting active lifestyles with our children. Regular spending on resources ensures that P.E. lessons can remain active for all children.
As part of our work towards the Sainsbury's School Games Mark we are tracking pupil participation.
With continued investment from the Sports Premium we will be able to sustain our extra curricular provision.
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