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The Keep Learning Trust

The impact of our funding

£16,500 was spent on employing our own Sports Coach.  His core contract has been for 21 1/4 hours which has been used to:

* Deliver (alongside class teachers) one hour per week of high quality P.E. to our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 groups.  

* Deliver (alongside class teachers) two hours per week of high quality P.E. to our Year 3, Year 4, Year and Year 6 classes. 

* Provide structured sporting opportunities at lunchtimes including: table tennis, football, hockey, basketball and the daily mile for Years 1, 2 and 6.

* Increase the number of extra curricular activities, focusing particularly (but not exclusively) on Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4.

* Enable us to enter two teams in many of the local sporting competitions. 

* Deliver Cycle Training to our Year 6 children 



* Class teachers have accessed a 2nd year of high quality CPD in PE teaching focusing on developing their skills in teaching specific sports and fundamental fitness skills.

* Our Sports Coach and PE Subject Leader have devised a comprehensive scheme of work which staff can plan from.

* Activity levels at lunchtimes have continued to increase with a larger group of children engaging in sporting activities.  This has also been provided during indoor breaks using activities such as table tennis. 

* Activity levels in PE lessons (where we have large class sizes of 36) have increased.  With two adults teaching each class, we have been able to split classes into smaller groups or focus on more effectively supporting those children who have struggled.

* The number of children attending extra-curricular sporting activities, particularly in Years 3 and 4, has significantly increased. 

* The percentage of children and the number of times they have been able to represent our school in local and regional sporting competitions has increased. 

* Some of our Year 6 pupils accessed level 1 and level 2 cycle training - some missed out due to Covid-19



During 2020 - 2021, we will continue the model above.  The CPD focus will be on planning from the newly written Scheme of Work to enable staff to feel confident to deliver PE without the support of the Sports Coach in 2021-2022.



£900 was planned to be spent on providing additional swimming coaching for those children in Years 4, 5 and 6 who had not previously met the end of KS2 swimming expectations.  Unfortunately, none of swimming programme could be delivered due to Covid-19.



We were not able to collect data due to school closure. 



We will continue to use Sports Funding to fund this additional swimming instruction as long as the funding is available.  The £900 not used this year will be carried into 2020-2021.



£700 was spent to increase the levels of participation in local and regional competitions.   This was limited this year due to Covid-19. 


Impact: with the additional funding, which paid for entry fees and supply costs, we were able to facilitate two teams entering most competitions.  


Sustainability:  We are committed to increasing levels of participation in competition both inside and outside of school.  We will continue to prioritise this as funding allows. 
