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Proud to be part of

The Keep Learning Trust


Year One

  • to relate the way things work to their intended purpose
  • how materials and components have been used, people’s needs, and what other users say about them
  • to collect and sort information
  • basic joining techniques for 3D modelling using glues and masking tape
  • to make simple hinges
  • how to make structures more stable
  • to use construction kits to aid modelling
  • to recognise shapes and their application in simple structures
  • to draw on their own experience to help generate ideas
  • to use the appropriate vocabulary for naming and describing the equipment, materials and components they use
  • to make models which reflect their ideas
  • to evaluate their products as they are developed, identifying strengths and possible changes they might make

Year Two (combined with textiles)

  • that there are different types of Christmas stockings

  • that stockings are made up of different parts   

  • to make simple drawings and label parts 

  • basic sewing techniques 

  • to use a template to mark out identical pieces of fabric  

  • to compare joining techniques  

  • simple vocabulary associated with the use of textiles 

  • that ideas for their own designs can be developed by looking at a selection of puppets  

  • to identify simple design criteria  

  • to model their ideas by making a paper mock-up  

  • to mark out, cut and join fabric pieces to make the main part of their puppet  

  • to use appropriate finishing techniques  

  • to evaluate against design criteria

Year Three

  • to relate the way things work to their intended purpose  

  • to find out what other users say about a specific product  

  • how materials and components have been used  

  • how the working characteristics of materials relate to the ways materials are used

  • that 3D shapes can be constructed from nets and that the final 3D shape is dependent on the shape of the net  

  • how to measure, mark out, cut, score and assemble the net of a 3D shape  

  • how to create different styles of writing for a purpose 

  • to generate ideas for an item of packaging, considering its purpose and user/s  

  • to explore, develop and communicate design proposals by modelling ideas  

  • to create a package for a given purpose  

  • to evaluate design ideas as they develop, and indicate ways of improving their ideas  

  • to evaluate against design criteria


  • why it is important for structures to be stable  

  • the effectiveness of triangulation in structures  

  • that some structures are made stable by having a wide base  

  • to disassemble and evaluate familiar products

  • ways of making stable structures  

  • ways of strengthening paper  

  • to evaluate different joining methods  

  • to consider who they are designing for  

  • to implement their prior learning about stiffness and stability into their design proposals  

  • to make drawings with labels when designing  

  • to evaluate their product against their original design criteria  

Year Four (combined with textiles)

  • hat products are designed for different purposes and different users  

  • to evaluate products and identify criteria that can be used for their own designs  

  • to make labelled drawings from different views showing specific features  

  • how to sew using a range of different stitches, how to weave and knit  

  • that fabrics have different properties  

  • that some joining techniques are stronger/weaker than others  

  • that fabric can be joined in temporary and permanent ways  

  • how to model ideas with paper or inexpensive fabric  

  • to use simple decorative techniques eg dyeing, embroidery or fabric paints

  • how to design a product using textiles for a specific purpose  

  • to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of a design  

  • to draw up simple design specifications  

  • to make a plan of how to make the product  

  • how to make a paper pattern/template that uses a seam allowance  

  • to measure, tape or pin, cut and join fabric with some accuracy  

  • to evaluate their product identifying strengths and areas for development against the original specifications  

Year Five

  • to investigate, disassemble and evaluate a range of musical instruments in order to learn how they function  

  • to relate the way things work to their intended purpose, how materials and components have been used, people’s needs, and what users say about them

  • how the working characteristics of materials relate to the ways materials are used  

  • how materials can be combined and mixed in order to create more useful properties  

  • to join and combine materials and components accurately in temporary ways  

  • to investigate a range of materials 

  • to identify a purpose for their instrument  

  • to use information sources, including ICT,  to help in their designing  

  • to develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making if the first attempts fail  

  • to select appropriate materials, tools and techniques  

  • to evaluate their design ideas as these develop, bearing in mind the users and the purposes for which the product is intended, and indicating ways of improving their ideas  

Year Six

  • to relate the way things work to their intended purpose  

  • how to seek information from a wide range of sources on different structures and how they support things  

  • how materials and components have been used  

  • to record their evaluations using drawings with labels  

  • how structures can fail when loaded, and techniques for reinforcing and strengthening them  

  • to join and combine materials and components accurately in temporary and permanent ways  

  • to explore, develop and communicate aspects of their design proposals by modelling their ideas in a variety of ways  

  • to develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making if first attempts fail  

  • to evaluate their products, identifying strengths and areas for development, and carrying out appropriate tests  

Year Six (combined with textiles)

  • that products are designed for a particular purpose and are suitable for different users  

  • that a designer needs to consider appearance, function, cost and safety when designing products  

  • that many different materials can be used on a product eg a slipper, some to stiffen, some to provide a hard-wearing surface and some for appearance

  • that pattern/templates can be used many times and this ensures consistency in size  

  • how to pin, sew and stitch materials together to create a product  

  • that ideas for products can be developed by modelling with paper or scrap metal  

  • to use a simple sewing machine (if available)  

  • to develop a design specification  

  • to communicate their ideas through drawings and modelling  

  • how to plan the order of their work, choosing appropriate materials, tools and techniques  

  • to construct products using permanent joining techniques  

  • how to achieve a quality product  

  • to evaluate products identifying strengths and areas for development and carrying out appropriate tests  
