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Recounts: Diary Entries

Year One


Optional Salutation 

Chronological Order - sequenced paragraphs

Past tense

First person - informal

A mixture of facts and opinions

Rhetorical questions

Optional sign-off

Co-ordinating conjunctions - link ideas with and

Adverbs/adverbials of time

Adverbs/adverbials of place

Expanded noun phrases

Capital letters for proper nouns

Questions marks 

Year Two


Optional Salutation 

Chronological Order - sequenced paragraphs

Past tense

First person - informal

A mixture of facts and opinions

Rhetorical questions

Optional sign-off

Co-ordinating conjunctions - link ideas with but, so, and, or

Subordinating conjunctions - expand upon independent clauses with when, whilst, before, after

Adverbs/adverbials of time

Adverbs/adverbials of place

Expanded noun phrases

Exclamation marks

Commas for lists

Apostrophes for omission 

Apostrophes for possession 

Year Three


Optional Salutation 

Chronological Order - sequenced paragraphs

Past tense

First person - informal

A mixture of facts and opinions

Rhetorical questions

Optional sign-off

Co-ordinating conjunctions - but, so, for, and

Subordinating conjunctions - when, whilst, before, after

Adverbs / adverbials of time

Adverbs / adverbials of place

Expanded noun phrases

Apostrophes for omission 

Apostrophes for possession 

Exclamation marks 

Year Four


Optional Salutation 

Chronological Order - sequenced paragraphs

Past tense

First person - informal

A mixture of facts and opinions

Rhetorical questions

Optional sign-off

Co-ordinating conjunctions - but, so, for, and

Subordinating conjunctions - when, whilst, before, after

Adverbs / adverbials of time

Adverbs / adverbials of place

Expanded noun phrases

Commas for fronted adverbials

Apostrophes for omission 

Apostrophes for possession 

Year Five


Optional Salutation 

Chronological Order - sequenced paragraphs

Past tense

First person - informal

A mixture of facts and opinions

Rhetorical questions

Optional sign-off

Subordinating conjunctions - when, whilst, before, after

Conjunctive adverbs to flow one point to another 

Relative clauses to embed extra information 

Adverbs / adverbials of time

Adverbs / adverbials of place

Expanded noun phrases

Commas for parenthesis 
Year Six


Optional Salutation 

Chronological Order - sequenced paragraphs

Past tense

First person - informal

A mixture of facts and opinions

Rhetorical questions

Optional sign-off

Subjunctive mood/form

Subordinating conjunctions - when, whilst, before, after

Conjunctive adverbs to flow one point to another 

Relative clauses to embed extra information 

Adverbs / adverbials of time

Adverbs / adverbials of place

Expanded noun phrases




Commas, dashes and brackets for parenthesis

