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Proud to be part of

The Keep Learning Trust

How much we have been allocated and how we intend to use our funding

Our allocation for 2023 - 2024 is £18,290


We intend to spend this on:


£14,250 to fund part our Sports' Coach role to provide:

* CPD for teachers new to school our Sports Coach will lead lessons alongside these teachers to upskill them for future years 

* team-building sessions for all classes, alongside class teachers, to develop team work and "sportsmanship"

* an introduction to orienteering for all classes (including CPD for class teachers) so that it can be used to support the PE, English and Maths curricular 

* after-school clubs in a wide variety of sports for all year groups across school

* training and support for a team of Year 6 Play Leaders to enable our younger children to be more active at lunchtimes 

* lunchtime clubs e.g. cross country, table tennis 

* cycling teaching to Year 6 pupils and other year groups as time allows 

* development of the school's sports teams and the organisation around competitions 


£575  to join the Bury School Games programme for the academic year which gives entrance to competitions and CPD for staff


£1,000 to provide top-up swimming lessons for our children in Years 5 and 6 (this is in addition to our usual swimming teaching in Year 4 which is paid for from the school budget)


£420  to take Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to local tennis club to use their facilities and coaches 


£2,045 to be allocated
