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Year One / Year Two YEAR B 2023 - 2024

Who do Christians say made the world? Harvest

Make sense of belief:

  • Retell the story of creation from Genesis 1:1 - 2:3
  • Say what the story tells Christians about God, creation and the world.

Understand the impact:

  • Give at least one example of what Christians do to say thank you to God for creation.

Make connections:

  • Think, talk and ask questions about living in an amazing world.


How should we care for the world and others ?

Make sense of belief:

  • Identify a story or text that says something about each person being unique and valuable
  •  Give an example of a key belief some people find in one of these stories (e.g. that God loves all people)

Understand the impact:

  • Give an example of how people show that they care for others (e.g. by giving to charity), making a link to one of the stories 

Make connections:

  • Think, talk and ask questions about what difference believing in God makes to how people treat each other and the natural world


What does it mean to belong to a faith community ?

Make sense of belief:

  • Recognise that loving others is important in lots of communities

Understand the impact:

  • Give an account of what happens at a traditional Christian welcome ceremony, and suggest what the actions and symbols mean

Make connections:

  • Give examples of ways in which people express their identity and belonging within faith communities and other communities, responding sensitively to differences
  • Talk about what they think is good about being in a community, for people in faith communities and for themselves, giving a good reason for their ideas.


Why does Christmas matter to Christians ?

Make sense of belief:

  • Recognise that stories of Jesus’ life come from the Gospels
  • Give a clear, simple account of the story of Jesus’ birth and why Jesus is important to Christians.  

Understand the impact:

  • Give examples of ways in which Christians use the story of the Nativity to guide their beliefs and actions at Christmas

Make connections:

  • Think, talk and ask questions about Christmas for people who are Christians and for people who are not.


What do Christians believe God is like ?

Make sense of belief:

  • Identify what a parable is.
  • Tell the story of the Lost Son from the Bible simply and recognise a link with the Christian idea of God as a forgiving Father.
  • Give clear, simple accounts of what the story means to Christians

Understand the impact:

  • Give at least 2 examples of a way in which Christians show their belief in God as loving and forgiving.
  • Give an example of how Christians put their beliefs into practice in worship.

Make connections:

  • Think, talk and ask questions about whether they can learn anything from the story for themselves, exploring different ideas.
  • Give a reason for the ideas they have and the connections they make.


What is the "Good News" that Christians believe Jesus brings ?

Make sense of belief:

  • Tell stories from the Bible and recognise a link with the concept of Gospel or good news.
  • Give clear, simple accounts of what Bible texts mean to Christians.
  • Recognise that Jesus gives instructions to people about how to behave.

Understand the impact:

  • Give at least 2 examples of ways in which Christians follow the teachings studied about forgiveness and peace, and bringing good news to the friendless.
  • Give at least 2 examples of how Christians put these beliefs into practice in the church community and their own lives.

Make connections:

  • Think, talk and ask questions about whether Jesus’ good news is only good news for Christians, or if there are things for anyone to learn about how to live, giving a reason for their answers.


Who is Jewish and how do they live ?


Make sense of belief:

  • Recognise the words of the Shema as a Jewish prayer
  •  Re-tell simply some stories used in Jewish celebrations (e.g. Chanukah)
  •  Give examples of how the stories used in celebrations (e.g. Shabbat, Chanukah) remind Jews about what God is like.

Understand the impact:

  • Give examples of how Jewish people celebrate special times (e.g. Shabbat, Sukkot, Chanukah)
  • Make links between Jewish ideas of God found in the stories and how people live
  •  Give an example of how some Jewish people might remember God in different ways (e.g. mezuzah, on Shabbat)

Make connections:

  • Talk about what they think is good about reflecting, thanking, praising and remembering for Jewish people, giving a good reason for their ideas
  • Give a good reason for their ideas about whether reflecting, thanking, praising and remembering have something to say to them too.


What makes some places sacred to believers? (Synagogue)

Make sense of belief:

  • Recognise that there are special places where people go to worship, and talk about what people do there

Understand the impact:

  • Give examples of stories, objects, symbols and actions used in synagogues that show what people believe
  •  Give simple examples of how people worship at a synagogue
  •  Talk about why some people like to belong to a sacred building or a community.

Make connections:

  • Think, talk and ask good questions about what happens in a synagogue saying what they think about these questions, giving good reasons for their ideas
  •  Talk about what makes some places special to people, and what the difference is between religious and non-religious special places.