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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

Performance Data

Detailed information about the school's performance can be found on the Department for Education's School Performance Tables web site.

Key Stage Two Results 2024

74% of our children achieved the expected standard or above

in Reading, Writing and Maths.

Compared to 61% nationally



6% of our children achieved the Higher Standard in Reading, Writing and Maths.

Compared to 8% nationally


 Expected or aboveHigher Standard

* 1 pupil was absent when the tests were taken 


Average test scores:



Due to Covid-19, there are no progress scores for this cohort (they were not formally assessed at the end of KS1).

Key Stage Two Results 2023

73% of our children achieved the expected standard or above

in Reading, Writing and Maths.

Compared to 59% nationally


 Expected or aboveHigher Standard


Average test scores:



Progress scores:

Writing -2.1


Key Stage Two Results 2022


69% of our children reached the "Expected Standard" or above in Reading, Writing and Maths

(compared with 59% nationally)



89% of our children achieved the "Expected Standard" (compared with 74% nationally)

47% of our children achieved a high standard (compared with 29% nationally)

Our average "scaled score" was 109 (compared with 105 nationally)



92% of our children achieved the "Expected Standard" (compared with 71% nationally)

42% of our children achieved a high standard (compared with 23% nationally)

Our average "scaled score" was 108 (compared with 104 nationally)


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

89% of our children achieved the "Expected Standard" (compared with 78% nationally)

44% of our children achieved a high standard (compared with 28% nationally)

Our average "scaled score" was 109 (compared with 105 nationally)



69% of our children achieved the "Expected Standard" (compared with 69% nationally)

0% of our children achieved a high standard (compared with 13% nationally)

There is no "scaled score" for this subject


There were no progress scores in 2022 due to Covid-19.

Key Stage Two Teacher Assessment 2021


Due to Covid-19, Key Stage Two SATS did not take place.  

However, we conducted our own internal assessments, based on previous years' SAT tests.


86% of our children reached the "Expected Standard" or above in Reading, Writing and Maths. 

There are no national comparison figures this year.



97% of our children achieved the Expected Standard or above.

46% of our children achieved the higher standard.



86% of our children achieved the Expected Standard or above.

3% of our children achieved the higher standard.



97% of our children achieved the Expected Standard or above.

51% of our children achieved the higher standard.




Key Stage Two Teacher Assessment 2020


Due to Covid-19, Key Stage Two SATs did not take place.

However, we submitted the following Teacher Assessment results to the Local Authority.


We predicted 81% of our children would have reached the Expected Standard or above in Reading, Writing and Maths.


Subject % of children reaching the Expected Standard or above % of children reaching Greater Depth
Reading 92% 44%
Writing 81% 6%
Maths 92% 47%
SPAG 92% n/a
Science 92% n/a


Key Stage Two Results 2019


86% of our children reached the "Expected Standard" or above in Reading, Writing and Maths

(compared with 65% nationally)



92% of our children achieved the "Expected Standard" (compared with 73% nationally)

42% of our children achieved a high standard (compared with 27% naitonally)

Our average "scaled score" was 108 (compared with 104 nationally)

Our progress score was +2.2 (in the top 25% of the country)



94% of our children achieved the "Expected Standard" (compared with 79% nationally)

56% of our children achieved a high standard (compare with 27% nationally)

Our average "scaled score" was 109 (compared with 106 nationally)

Our progress score was +2.7 (in the top 25% of the country)


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

97% of our children achieved the "Expected Standard" (compared with 78% nationally)

44% of our children achieved a high standard (compared with 36% nationally)

Our average "scaled score" was 109 (compared with 105 nationally)

There is no progress measure for this subject



89% of our children achieved the "Expected Standard" (compared with 78% nationally)

6% of our children achieved a high standard (compared with 20% nationally)

Our progress score was -2.0

There is no "scaled score" for this subject

