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The Keep Learning Trust
Autumn Term
Phonics (for reading) is introduced in Year 4. This was a new element of the curriculum in 2023-2024, therefore all year groups (4, 5 and 6) are revisiting from the same starting points.
Phonics | Alphabet - focus on consonants c, g, j, q a and an sounds | |
Vocabulary | Counting to 100; multiples of 100 (to 1000) Recognising numbers to 100 Revise foods and drinks Saying what we like / dislike responding to the question Qu'est-ce-que tu aimes ? (what do you like ?) with J'aime (I like) and Je n'aime pas (I don't like) Recognise the question As-tu un animal ? (Have you got a pet ?) and respond using Oui, j'ai un ... | |
Grammar | Notice how the negative is formed using ne ... pas around the verb | |
Cultural Understanding | The 10 most significant monuments in Paris Link to Y4 Art and Design work based on the work of French architect Eugene Viollet le Duc. | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise the numbers 1 - 100 Recognise the names of foods, drinks and animals Recognise whether someone likes or dislikes a particular food / drink Recognise the question Qu'est-ce-que tu aimes ? Recognise the question As-tu un animal ? |
Speaking: | Count in hundreds from 100 to 1000 Say what foods and drinks I like or dislike Saying what pets I have Saying which monuments in Paris I like | |
Reading: | Read numbers 1 to 60 written in words Read the names of some foods, drinks and animals Read some basic facts about monuments in Paris | |
Writing: | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what I like or dislike using J'aime (I like) and Je n'aime pas (I don't like) |
Spring Term - Les passe-temps
Phonics | e, é and è sounds i, ien and in sounds | |
Vocabulary | Counting to 1000 Recognising numbers to 1000 (multiples of 100) Variety of sports / pass-times Je détèste (I hate), J'adore (I love) parce-que (because) Reasons e.g. il est ennuyeux (it's boring) Time to the hour and half hour e.g. il est deux heures, (it's 2 o'clock) il est trois heures et demie (it's half past three) | |
Grammar | Introduction of the conjunction parce-que (because) to make complex sentences | |
Cultural Understanding | None covered in this unit | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise the numbers 1 - 100 and the multiples of 100 to 1000 Recognise the names of pass-times Recognise whether someone likes or dislikes a particular pass-time Recognise the question Qu'est-ce-que tu aimes ? Recognise the time (o'clock and half past) |
Speaking: | Count to 1000 Say what pass-times I like or dislike Saying the time (o'clock and half past) | |
Reading: | Read numbers 1 to 80 written in words Read the names of some pastimes | |
Writing: | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what I like or dislike using J'aime (I like), Je n'aime pas (I don't like), Je détèste (I hate), J'adore (I love) |
Summer Term - En France
Phonics | o, open o, oi, on and ou sounds u, un and y sounds | |
Vocabulary | Counting to 10,000 Recognising numbers to 1000 Variety of foods and drinks the verbs manger (to eat) and boire (to drink) using the pronouns Je (I), Il (he) and Elle (she) Compass points au nord (north), au sud (south), à l'est (east), à l'ouest (west), au nord-est (north east), au nord-ouest (north west), au sud-est (south east), au sud-ouest (south west) Saying where a French city is located | |
Grammar | Use the correct form of - de plus definite article - du (masculine), de la (feminine) or des (plural) - à plus definite article - au (masculine ), à la / à l' (feminine) or aux (plural) | |
Cultural Understanding | The main cities of France and their location Typical French foods and drinks | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening | Recognise the numbers to 1000 Recognise the names of foods and drinks Recognise whether someone likes or dislikes a particular food/drink Recognise the question Qu'est-ce-que tu aimes ? Recognise the eight compass points Recognise the question Où est Lille ? |
Speaking: | Count to 10,000 Say what foods/drinks I like or dislike Saying where a city is in France (which direction) | |
Reading: | Read numbers 1 to 100 written in words Read the names of some food/drinks | |
Writing: | Using word banks, write simple sentences saying what I like or dislike using J'aime (I like), Je n'aime pas (I don't like), Je détèste (I hate), J'adore (I love) |
Every lesson contains revision of previous learning