Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
Foundation Stage
Children will create simple digital content using a variety of programs e.g. ActivInspire, iPad apps
Children will take photos of their own learning using the iPad and share this to their ClassDojo portfolio.
Children will use simple software (2Count) to share data they have collected.
Children will use simple software (2Explore, 2Beat) to create and store sounds.
Key Stage One
National Curriculum | Year One | Year Two |
Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. | Children are able to sort, collate, edit and store simple digital content e.g. children can name, save and retrieve their work and follow simple instructions to access online resources, use Purple Mash 2Quiz example (sorting shapes), 2Code design mode (manipulating backgrounds) or using pictogram software such as 2Count. | Children demonstrate an ability to organise data using, for example, a database such as 2Invesitigate and can retrieve specific data for conducting simple searches. Children are able to edit more complex digital data such as music compositions within 2Sequence. Children are confident when creating, naming, saving and retrieving content. Children use a range of media in their digital content including photos, text and sound. |
Key Stage Two
National Curriculum | Year Three | Year Four | Year Five | Year Six |
Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content | Children can carry out simple searches to retrieve digital content. They understand that to do this, they are connecting to the internet and using a search engine such as Purple Mash search or internet-wide search engines. | Children understand the function, features and layout of a search engine. They can appraise selected webpages for credibility and information at a basic level. | Children search with greater complexity for digital content when using a search engine. They are able to explain in some detail how credible a webpage is and the information it contains. | Children readily apply filters when searching for digital content. They are able to explain in detail how credible a webpage is and the information it contains. They compare a range of digital content sources and are able to rate them in terms of content quality and accuracy. Children use critical thinking skills in everyday use of online communication. |
Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information. | Children can collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information using a selection of software, e.g. using a branching database (2Question), using software such as 2Graph. Children can consider what software is most appropriate for a given task. They can create purposeful content to attach to emails, e.g. 2Respond. | Children are able to make improvements to digital solutions based on feedback. Children make informed software choices when presenting information and data. They create linked content using a range of software such as 2Connect and 2Publish+. Children share digital content within their community, i.e. using Virtual Display Boards. | Children are able to make appropriate improvements to digital solutions based on feedback received and can confidently comment on the success of the solution. e.g. creating their own program to meet a design brief using 2Code. They objectively review solutions from others. Children are able to collaboratively create content and solutions using digital features within software such as collaborative mode. They are able to use several ways of sharing digital content, i.e. 2Blog, Display Boards and 2Email. | Children make clear connections to the audience when designing and creating digital content. The children design and create their own blogs to become a content creator on the internet, e.g. 2Blog. They are able to use criteria to evaluate the quality of digital solutions and are able to identify improvements, making some refinements. |