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The Keep Learning Trust
Autumn Term - First Half - Time
This was a new element of the curriculum in 2023-2024, therefore all year groups (4, 5 and 6) are revisiting from the same starting points.
Phonics | Alphabet - focus on consonants c, g, j, q | |
Vocabulary | Numbers to 10,000 Days of the week Months of the year Telling the time to 1 minute | |
Grammar | En plus year e.g. En mille neuf cents soixante-quatre (In 1974) Le plus day of week e.g. Le mardi je joue au football (On Tuesdays I play football) En plus month e.g. En mars, il pleut (In March, it rains) Il est plus time e.g. Il est six heures cinq (It's five past six) à plus time e.g. à sept heures (at seven o'clock) | |
Cultural Understanding | Timeline of French history (linking in to saying the year) | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Translate into English numbers up to 10,000 Understand when something happens: time, day, month, year |
Speaking: | Translate into French any number up to 10,000 Say when something happens (ref grammar section above and add previously learned vocabulary and phrases) | |
Reading: | Read numbers up to 10,000 written in words; translate into English Read when something happens: time, day, month, year | |
Writing: | With the support of a vocabulary list, write numbers up to 10,000 With the support of a vocabulary list, write months and days From memory, write the time using il est or à |
Autumn Term - Second Half - 'er verbs
Phonics | a and an sounds | |
Vocabulary | Personal pronouns - je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles Variety of -er verbs e.g. aimer (to like); chanter (to sing); détester (to hate); donner (to give); écouter (to listen); fermer (to close); jouer (to play); porter (to wear); regarder (to watch) | |
Grammar | Understanding of subject, verb, object in sentence construction. Changing ending of -er verbs depending on subject. Use bilingual dictionary. | |
Cultural Understanding | Christmas traditions in France. | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Who is doing what ? Recognising the subject and verb in a sentence. Who is doing what at what time ? |
Speaking: | Recalling the endings of -er verbs (e, es, e, e, e, ons, ez, ent) Saying what someone is doing at different times e.g. à huit heures nous regardons la télévision | |
Reading: | Sentences with time adverbial, subject and verb (and sometimes object) | |
Writing: | With decreasing dependence on words lists, write sentences with time adverbial, subject and verb (and sometimes object). Focus on choosing the correct ending for the verb (to agree with the subject). |
Spring Term - First Half - The Four Seasons
Phonics | e, é and è sounds | |
Vocabulary | Le printemps (spring), L'été (summer), L'automne (autumn), L'hiver (winter) Days and months Weather expressions - see previous years, plus: *** Activities - see previous years Names of countries in Europe | |
Grammar | en plus season e.g. en hiver il neige et ils lançent des boules de neige. Using correct preposition for different places à, en, au, aux Using different subjects with -er verbs to describe activities. Use bilingual dictionary | |
Cultural Understanding | Basic Geography of France (researching settlements, mountains, rivers, coasts etc) | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Can you hear what the weather is like in different places during the different seasons of the year ? |
Speaking: | Saying what the weather is like, in different place, during different seasons of the year. | |
Reading: | Sentences with the season, the weather and sometimes the place. | |
Writing: | With decreasing dependence on words lists, write sentences that describe the weather during a season of the year (sometimes adding a place) |
Spring Term - Second Half - Paris (Ile de France)
Phonics | i, ien and in sounds | |
Vocabulary | 8 compass points Human and physical features of the Paris region (Ile de France) | |
Grammar | à Paris il y a Using correct preposition for compass directions e.g. au nord, à l'est | |
Cultural Understanding | Physical and human features of France's capital city and surrounding region Easter traditions in France | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | From oral descriptions of places in Paris, can the children pick out vocabulary they know to gain the gist of what is being said ? |
Speaking: | Say what attractions you would find in Paris e.g. il y a la tour Eiffel | |
Reading: | Reading basic information leaflets about Paris attractions to find basic facts. | |
Writing: | No specific writing skills in this unit. |
Summer Term - First Half - Food and drink
Phonics | o, open o, oi, on and ou sounds | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vocabulary | Consolidation of previously taught foods and drinks. Dictionary use to learn new items. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Grammar | Using the verbs manger (regular -er verb) and boire (irregular verb)in the present and past tense for all subjects.
Cultural Understanding | Typical French foods | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | In increasingly complex sentences, listen out for who ate / drank what on different days of the week. |
Speaking: | Say what was eaten/drank on different days by different people e.g. Le dimanche, il a mangé un gâteau et il a bu de l'eau. | |
Reading: | Read basic sentences about when food/drink was eaten/drank, read with accuracy, using phonic knowledge for unknown words. | |
| With decreasing dependence on vocabulary lists, write sentences that describe what was eaten on a particular day in the past e.g. Le lundi j'ai mangé un sandwich et j'ai bu une limonade. |
Summer Term - Second Half - Le Quatorze juillet
Phonics | u, un and y sounds | |
Vocabulary | Vocabulary specific to the revolution and the 14th July celebrations e.g. la fête nationale, le feu d'artifice, le drapeau, | |
Grammar | Revision of conjugating -er verbs with subject-verb agreement. | |
Cultural Understanding | Understand the history and traditions surrounding the festival | |
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | From oral descriptions of activities on 14th July celebrations, can the children pick out vocabulary they know (verbs and nouns) to establish understanding of the sentence ? |
Speaking: | Say what people do to celebrate la fête nationale. | |
Reading: | From written descriptions of activities on 14th July celebrations, can the children pick out vocabulary they know (verbs and nouns) to establish understanding of the sentence ? | |
Writing: | Write simple and complex sentences to describe what happens at 14th July celebrations e.g. ils portent le drapeau français. Il est bleu, blanc et rouge. Ils regardent les feu d'artifice. |