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The Keep Learning Trust

Accidents in School

Accidents happen and are a common feature of childhood and school life !  All injuries are dealt with by one of our team of qualified first aiders and notification is always sent to parents where first aid has been administered.  Look out for a white A5 slip in your child’s book bag !  If your child has had a bumped head in school they should bring home a pink ‘bumped head letter’ which will give you additional information about their minor accident. If we should suspect that your child is suffering from concussion we will contact you by phone and give you the option of collecting your child and taking them for a check at hospital. If there are no symptoms of concussion we will still continue to observe them throughout the day and contact you should we have any concerns. 

Please ensure that you keep the school office up to date with any changes to your contact details. The greatest difficulty that we experience is in contacting parents should the need arise. We find that mobile phones are often switched off, due to parents being in meetings etc. but if they are the only contact details we have this presents a problem, especially if your child needs to be taken to hospital. Please make sure that we have a land line number and / or you keep your phone on vibrate. Serious accidents are infrequent and we are well equipped in dealing with them.
