Proud to be part of
The Keep Learning Trust
Autumn Term
Phonics | Not systematically taught until Y4 | ||
Vocabulary | Numbers | Count up to: | 10 |
Recognise (pick out) up to: | 6 | ||
Colours | rouge (red), bleu (blue), jaune (yellow) | ||
Other | Animals - un lapin (a rabbit), un chat (a cat), un chien (a dog), une vache (a cow) Greetings - bonjour (hello), au-revoir (goodbye) Exchanges - Je m'appelle (I'm called) | ||
Grammar | Gender - masculine and feminine nouns | ||
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise the numbers 1 - 6 Recognise the colours red, yellow and blue Understand what bonjour and au revoir mean Recognise the question Comment t-appelles tu ? | |
Speaking: | Count to 10 Say rouge, bleu and jaune Say un lapin, un chat, un chien and une vache Use bonjour and au-revoir in response to another Say what my name is using Je m'appelle ** | ||
Reading: | None at this stage | ||
Writing: | None at this stage |
Spring Term
Phonics | Not systematically taught until Y4 | ||
Vocabulary | Numbers | Count up to: | 15 |
Recognise (pick out) up to: | 10 | ||
Colours | vert (green), orange (orange) | ||
Other | Greetings - salut (hi), à bientôt (see you later) Exchanges - J'ai cinq/six ans (I'm five/six) Siblings - J'ai un frère / une soeur | ||
Grammar | Gender - masculine and feminine nouns | ||
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise the numbers 1 - 10 Recognise the colours green and orange Understand salut and à bientôt Recognise the question Quel âge as-tu ? Recognise the question Est-ce que tu as des frères ou des soeurs ? | |
Speaking: | Count up to 15 Say vert and orange Use salut and à bientôt in response to another Say how old I am using J'ai cinq / six ans Say how many brothers /sisters I have e.g. J'ai un frère / une soeur | ||
Reading: | None at this stage | ||
Writing: | None at this stage |
Summer Term
Phonics | Not systematically taught until Y4 | ||
Vocabulary | Numbers | Count up to: | 20 |
Recognise (pick out) up to: | 15 | ||
Colours | violet (purple) | ||
Other | Greetings - à demain (see you tomorrow) Exchanges - ça va (I'm fine) Parts of the face - la tête (head), le nez (nose), les yeux (eyes) | ||
Grammar | Singular and plural nouns Masculine and feminine nouns | ||
Expected Outcomes | Listening: | Recognise the numbers 1 - 15 Recognise the colour purple Understand à demain Understand ça va ? Point to: la tête (head), le nez (nose), les yeux (eyes) | |
Speaking: | Count up to 20 Say violet Use à demain in response to another Say how I'm feeling - ça va (I'm fine) Say the parts of the face J'ai une tête, J'ai un nez, J'ai deux yeux | ||
Reading: | None at this stage | ||
Writing: | None at this stage |
Every lesson contains revision of previous learning