Greenmount -
a Pathway to Success
Sources | Explanation | Research | |
Reception | Ask and answer questions about old and new objects and photographs/pictures. | Give an explanation about what an object could have been used for in the past. | Find out about the past by listening to information about them. |
Year One | Ask and answer questions about old and new objects and photographs/pictures. | Give a plausible explanation about what an object could have been used for in the past. | Find out more about a famous person from the past by carrying out research about them from one source. |
Year Two | Ask and answers questions using a wider range of sources including people, photographs, non-fiction books, the internet | Give a plausible explanation about what an object could have been used for in the past. Justify their explanation. | Find out more about a famous person from the past by carrying out research about them from more than one source. |
Year Three | Ask questions and find answers about the past using a wider range of sources including visits to sites of historical interest. | Discuss similarities and differences between periods of history. | Recognise the part that archaeologists had/have in helping us understand the past. |
Year Four | To begin to choose appropriate sources and select evidence from those sources to respond to an historical question. | Give more than one reason to support an historical argument. | Hypothesise what life would have been like for different groups of people in the past. |
Year Five | Form an interpretation of historical events or figures using a variety of sources. | Appreciate how historical artefacts have helped us understand about life in the past. | Take bias into account when researching about an historical event or figure. |
Year Six | Compare different sources that discuss the same event and evaluate the advantages / disadvantages of each. | Give reasons why there may be different accounts of history. | Understand that some evidence from the past is propaganda, opinion or misinformation and the effect this has on interpretations of history. |